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Four schools, including Most IB schools are English-medium but Ecole Oasis is French-medium and Green Land Pre Vert International School teaches in French and English, while New Vision International School Giza teaches in Arabic and English and Rahn Schulen Kairo has bilingual instruction in German and English. You can use the search filter below to look for schools that offer one programme in particular. … Many schools offer IB and British or American qualifications. The school is primarily aimed at children whose native languages are German and Arabic. Here you can find a list of Egyptian schools that have a profile in the IB World Schools Yearbook. The German School Hurghada is a school similar to the German and Egyptian educational system with German as the focal language. Um am Unterricht teilnehmen zu können, müssen folgende Anschaffungen von den Familien bewältigt werden: Schuluniformen; Schreibutensilien, wie z.B. In Ägypten ist per Gesetz die Schulpflicht für die Grundschuljahre festgelegt. By : Ernst Breuer; Jan 07, 2020; … Co-educational, Day, Nursery, Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory, Senior, Sixth Form. In the public sector, children attend primary school for six years and preparatory school for three years, while secondary schools teach for three years. Find Out More. In Ägypten ist per Gesetz die Schulpflicht für die Grundschuljahre festgelegt. In Ägypten gibt es eine Schulpflicht und alle Kinder müssen bis zum Alter von 15 Jahren zu einer Schule gehen. Curriculum German, IB Language of instruction German Ages 3 to 18 This school does not make their fees public. For information on all Egyptian international schools, you can visit:
Co-educational, Day, Nursery, Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory, Senior, Sixth Form. With a population of 12 million, Cairo is the capital of Egypt and has the largest metropolitan area in the Arab world. 90 bis 100 % gelten als exzellente Leistungen. Hefte und Stifte; Schulbücher [Da die Bücher sind … Are you looking for an International Baccalaureate World School in Egypt? The two-term school year begins in September and ends in June. Fast 90 von 100 Kindern im Alter von sechs bis 14 Jahren besuchen eine Schule. Here you can find a list of Je nach Familieneinkommen kommt aber auch vor, dass die Einschulung erst später stattfinden kann:In Ägypten wird kein Notensystem wie in Deutschland angewandt, sondern die Lernleistungen werden Prozentual angegeben. RSK encourages students to develop their personal, social and academic skills and talents. Der Besuch von weiterführenden Schulen nach der Grundschule ist freiwillig und gesetzlich nicht geregelt. Egypt has 29 IB World Schools, of which 23 are authorised to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma. A wide array of private international schools centred on Cairo and Alexandria cater for expatriates and Egyptian families.Education is compulsory from age six to 14 in Egypt. Are you looking for an International Baccalaureate World School in Egypt? The schools featured below offer at least one of the IB's four programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), Diploma Programme (DP) and Career-related Programme (CP). It is renowned globally for its infamous Giza pyramids and ancient city of Memphis. Co-educational, Day, Nursery, Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory, Senior, Sixth Form. There are two types of government school, Arabic Schools, which teach the Egyptian national curriculum in Arabic, and Experimental Language Schools, which teach science, maths and IT in English and social studies in Arabic, plus a foreign language at preparatory level.In 2014, the net enrolment rate was 98 per cent at primary school and 82 per cent for secondary school, while gross enrolment in tertiary education reached 36 per cent of the age group in 2015. If you are an IB World School and you would like to have a profile in the 2021 Yearbook, please email us at further information on the International Baccalaureate, including a complete directory of IB World Schools, see the official IB website at The Nile valley has been a cradle of civilisation since ancient times and today Egypt has the largest population in the Middle East and North Africa. The schools featured below offer at least one of the IB's four programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), Diploma Programme (DP) and Career-related Programme (CP).
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Schulen in Ägypten