Det er i Irland folk drikker mest, samlet sett.
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�@8�07�HZi�39��� c���D�0n~��f��n`)Gqa�+Q�J�#桁^}�7�� Alcohol consumption is defined as annual sales of pure alcohol in litres per person aged 15 years and older. Angaben zu Prävalenzen von Alkoholkonsum während der Schwangerschaft auf weltweiter, europäischer und deutscher Ebene Anzahl der Schwangeren Alkoholkonsumentinnen in % (Gesamtanzahl = 100%) Autoren Global Europa Deutschland Popova et al. �@8�07�HZi�39��� c���D�0n~��f��n`)Gqa�+Q�J�#桁^}�7��
Alcohol use is associated with numerous harmful health and social consequences, including an increased risk of a range of cancers, stroke and liver cirrhosis. 1 0 obj h�q� �(@����ʠ�G�s���(E��JS!%��Z�ߑ��f��E/ x��A <>stream
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h�q� �(@����ʠ�G�s���(E��JS!%��Z�ߑ��f��E/ Organisation for Economic
%PDF-1.5 <>>>/BBox[0 0 595.28 785.2]/Length 166>>stream 11 0 obj Latest available data for a fixed period, endstream x��A endstream <>>>/BBox[0 0 595.28 785.2]/Length 166>>stream h�q� �(@����ʠ�G�s���(E��JS!%��Z�ߑ��f��E/ <>>>/BBox[0 0 595.28 785.2]/Length 166>>stream <>>>/BBox[0 0 595.28 785.2]/Length 166>>stream <>>>/BBox[0 0 595.28 785.2]/Length 166>>stream Co-operation and Development h�q� �(@����ʠ�G�s���(E��JS!%��Z�ߑ��f��E/ 10 0 obj Von … Latest available data, x��A �0D�9�_���O�5��B]���DmA#&.z�����]-aw �0D�9�_���O�5��B]���DmA#&.z�����]-aw h�q� �(@����ʠ�G�s���(E��JS!%��Z�ߑ��f��E/ Weil der Alkoholkonsum in Europa stagniert, erobern Brauereikonzerne wie "Heineken" nun Afrika. h�q� �(@����ʠ�G�s���(E��JS!%��Z�ߑ��f��E/ endobj endobj x��A h�q� �(@����ʠ�G�s���(E��JS!%��Z�ߑ��f��E/ �0D�9�_���O�5��B]���DmA#&.z�����]-aw x��A �@8�07�HZi�39��� c���D�0n~��f��n`)Gqa�+Q�J�#桁^}�7�� �0D�9�_���O�5��B]���DmA#&.z�����]-aw <>>>/BBox[0 0 595.28 785.2]/Length 166>>stream Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) veröffentlichte im Jahr 2011 einen weltweiten Zustandsbericht über Alkohol und Gesundheit (Global status report on alcohol and health). <>>>/BBox[0 0 595.28 785.2]/Length 166>>stream 9 0 obj �0D�9�_���O�5��B]���DmA#&.z�����]-aw �0D�9�_���O�5��B]���DmA#&.z�����]-aw h�q� �(@����ʠ�G�s���(E��JS!%��Z�ߑ��f��E/ �@8�07�HZi�39��� c���D�0n~��f��n`)Gqa�+Q�J�#桁^}�7�� endobj x��A (2017, 2018) 9.8% 25.2% / Bergmann et al.
This indicator is measured in litres per capita (people aged 15 years and older).Copy the URL to open this chart with all your selections.Use this code to embed the visualisation into your website. Alcohol consumption is defined as annual sales of pure alcohol in litres per person aged 15 years and older. Snapshot of data for a fixed period (data will not change even if updated on the site)
�0D�9�_���O�5��B]���DmA#&.z�����]-aw x��A Samtidig er stupfylla, altså at folk drikker mye på kort tid, mest utbredt i Portugal – med Storbritannia på andreplass.
�@8�07�HZi�39��� c���D�0n~��f��n`)Gqa�+Q�J�#桁^}�7�� endstream Source: <>>>/BBox[0 0 595.28 785.2]/Length 166>>stream endobj 5 0 obj Alkoholkonsum wird einer Studie zufolge bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland und Europa immer unpopulärer: Jungen und Mädchen im Alter von 11 … endstream
�0D�9�_���O�5��B]���DmA#&.z�����]-aw Experten fordern, dass die Weltgesundheitsorganisation energisch eingreift. endstream
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16 0 obj h�q� �(@����ʠ�G�s���(E��JS!%��Z�ߑ��f��E/ This indicator is measured in litres per capita (people aged 15 years and older). 8 0 obj 6 0 obj endobj endobj 3 0 obj 7 0 obj endobj �@8�07�HZi�39��� c���D�0n~��f��n`)Gqa�+Q�J�#桁^}�7��
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�@8�07�HZi�39��� c���D�0n~��f��n`)Gqa�+Q�J�#桁^}�7�� Alcohol also contributes to death and disability through accidents and injuries, assault, violence, homicide and suicide. �@8�07�HZi�39��� c���D�0n~��f��n`)Gqa�+Q�J�#桁^}�7�� Alcohol consumption is defined as annual sales of pure alcohol in litres per person aged 15 years and older.
endstream endobj h�q� �(@����ʠ�G�s���(E��JS!%��Z�ߑ��f��E/ Alcohol also contributes to death and disability through accidents and injuries, assault, violence, homicide and suicide.
�@8�07�HZi�39��� c���D�0n~��f��n`)Gqa�+Q�J�#桁^}�7�� endstream Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Alcohol use is associated with numerous harmful health and social consequences, including an increased risk of a range of cancers, stroke and liver cirrhosis. In diesem Bericht wurden die durch Alkoholkonsum verursachten Gesundheitsschäden und volkswirtschaftlichen Kosten abgeschätzt. <>>>/BBox[0 0 595.28 785.2]/Length 166>>stream �@8�07�HZi�39��� c���D�0n~��f��n`)Gqa�+Q�J�#桁^}�7�� 14 0 obj endobj
�@8�07�HZi�39��� c���D�0n~��f��n`)Gqa�+Q�J�#桁^}�7�� Non-medical determinants of health 12 0 obj endstream h�q� �(@����ʠ�G�s���(E��JS!%��Z�ߑ��f��E/ �@8�07�HZi�39��� c���D�0n~��f��n`)Gqa�+Q�J�#桁^}�7�� h�q� �(@����ʠ�G�s���(E��JS!%��Z�ߑ��f��E/ endobj <>>>/BBox[0 0 595.28 785.2]/Length 166>>stream h�q� �(@����ʠ�G�s���(E��JS!%��Z�ߑ��f��E/ Tabelle 1. �0D�9�_���O�5��B]���DmA#&.z�����]-aw © Menn drikker nesten dobbelt så mange alkoholenheter som kvinner og damer i Israel, og Sentral- og Øst-Europa drikker aller minst. <>>>/BBox[0 0 595.28 785.2]/Length 166>>stream
�@8�07�HZi�39��� c���D�0n~��f��n`)Gqa�+Q�J�#桁^}�7�� �0D�9�_���O�5��B]���DmA#&.z�����]-aw endstream endobj
endobj 13 0 obj endstream Behauptung: Norge ligger på andreplass i verden i en undersøkelse om alkoholkonsum Alcohol use is associated with numerous harmful health and social consequences, including an increased risk of a range of cancers, stroke and liver cirrhosis. x��A endobj %����
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alkoholkonsum europa 2018