365 dni book deutsch

Massimo is a member of the Sicilian Mafia family and Laura is a sales director. However, she slowly starts to get him to open up about his personal life. He also promises her that he will not touch her without her consent. She confesses to him that she loves him. When she begins to flirt with a man from the rival mafia family, the man gropes her against her will. The book starts with Massimo finding out about Laura’s pregnancy. She does not expect that on a trip to Sicily trying to save her relationship, Massimo will kidnap her and give her 365 days to fall in love with him.

Massimo allows Laura to visit her family in Warsaw.

The following morning, Massimo proposes and she accepts. During the night, Massimo shot the man's hand who had groped Laura, inciting a mafia war between the two families. In Warsaw, Laura Biel, a fiery executive, is unhappy in her relationship with her boyfriend Martin. Massimo and the others draw their weapons while Laura is taken out of the club. 365 Days Theatrical release poster Polish365 Dni Directed by Barbara Białowąs Tomasz Mandes Produced by Maciej Kawulski Ewa Lewandowska Tomasz Mandes Screenplay by Tomasz Klimala Barbara Białowąs Tomasz Mandes Blanka Lipińska Based on365 Dni by Blanka Lipińska Starring Anna-Maria Sieklucka Michele Morrone Bronisław Wrocławski Otar Saralidze Magdalena Lamparska Natasza Urbańska Music by Michał Sarapata Mateusz Sarapata CinematographyMateusz Cierlica Edited byMar… However, she asks him to keep his "occupation" a secret from her parents. Realizing the implications, Massimo breaks down, as a police car blares at the entrance of the tunnel. When Olga visits, Laura reveals she is pregnant. Directed by Barbara Bialowas, Tomasz Mandes. Massimo jumps in to save her. Laura mentions feeling unwell but brushes off seeing a doctor. He tells her he loves her and will join her after finishing up business.

Olga urges her to tell Massimo about the pregnancy.

It's I hate to be the girl to break it to you, but the sequel to The movie may look a little bit different now due to COVID-19 precautions, but I'm going to stop thinking about that for now. Microsoft may earn an Affiliate Commission if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. As they argue, Laura falls into the water and starts to panic. According to the second installment of the series, The book ends with Laura getting shot when Massimo tries to rescue her, and he's left deciding whether to save her or their baby. The Second Book In the '365 Dni' Series Explains What Happens to LauraShow full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. Five years later, Massimo is now the leader of the Torricelli crime family. They make love on the yacht. With Anna Maria Sieklucka, Michele Morrone, Bronislaw Wroclawski, Otar Saralidze. However, Massimo allows Olga to come as Laura's bridesmaid. If you know, you know!Firefighter veteran found dead after diving into river to save 3 young girlsChains like Ruby Tuesday and Red Robin's will never recover until indoor dining fully reopens, as restaurant closures loom The ending of the film leaves us on a pretty big cliffhanger: Post-wedding dress shopping, newly pregnant Laura and her best friend Olga (Magdalena Lamparska) are heading back to Massimo's place when Mario (Bronislaw Wroclawski), Massimo's right-hand-man, gets a call that someone has put out an assassination attempt on Laura. Ojciec chrzestny w polaczeniu z Piecdziesiecioma twarzami Greya.

Either that or re-watching the yacht scene. as I wait for the sequel. 102.2k Followers, 18 Following, 85 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 365 DNI MOVIE (@365dniofficial) Laura celebrates her 29th birthday in Italy but after Martin embarrasses her, she goes for a walk and runs into Massimo, who kidnaps her. The plot is this: Anna gets kidnapped by Massimo, a Sicilian mobster (Michele Morrone), who gives her a year to fall in love with him. At his villa, Massimo reveals to Laura that she was the woman at the beach five years ago and that when he was injured, all he could think about was her. The film made the top three most viewed items on Netflix in numerous territories, including Germany, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey, Sweden, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece, Romania, South Africa, Portugal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Mauritius, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, Malaysia, and the United States.Work on a sequel film is planned, but has been delayed by the When she awakens, he admits he was scared she might not make it and does not want to lose her. At a hotel in At the club, Laura flaunts herself for Massimo and his friends, angering him. According to the second installment of the series, Ten Dzién ("This Day"), the book picks up where 365 Dni left off. Alles rund ums Lernen ... Übersetzen Sie alle Bewertungen auf Deutsch . As they spend time together, Laura teases him and then refuses to have sex with him. Massimo daje dziewczynie 365 dni na to, by go pokochala i zostala z nim. She runs into Martin, who says he has been looking for her to apologize. Instead, perhaps I'll reflect on Massimo saying, "Are you lost, baby girl?" In Warsaw, Laura waits for Massimo for days with no contact. Andreas aus Dorsten. Mario rushes to find Massimo just as Laura's call drops. Laura's car enters a tunnel but does not come out the other side. Meanwhile, Mario receives a phone call from a Torricelli informant that the rival mafia family is about to kill Laura. The following morning, she awakens on a yacht to Massimo and his fellow mafioso, Mario, arguing.

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