February 1945, the allied forces reached the Rhine. Rocky Highlands has 4 start positions with plenty of mountain terrain. Best position is player one slot! Sollten die Ordner "ww2" und "scenarios" nicht vorhanden sein, dann erstelle sie. Best position is player one slot! Das Spiel dann ganz normal starten und die Maps sollten jetzt im Menü zusehen sein. Very High CPU Requirement! Sniperhanz Germany. There are 2 versions of the map included, a 3vs3 and a 4vs4 map.
Mappack with all maps using the ' -dev' shortcut: Maps included in file: Enemy at The Gates (3p 4p) Enemy at The Gates with River (3... 20,216 60.52MB Map Packs Rizzot's Map Pack. A fun 4v4 map.Killingfields has 6 start positions and contains a lake with urban setting.Rocky Highlands has 4 start positions with plenty of mountain terrain.Danger! Island Map. Danger! A fun 4v4 map. Has a river with small island in the mi...
Farmland with a lake! Beware of the sinister mud :O This is an 8 player map! Nach dem Download müssen die Maps in diesem Verzeichnis abgelegt werden: Eigene Dateien\My Games\Company of Heroes\ww2\scenarios\ Die Maps sind von verschiedenen Leuten erstellt worden – Ruhm und Ehre den Designern! Farmland with a lake!Sniperhanz Germany.
Auf reinen „Land“-Karten hingegen spielt der Computer recht stark. In this map you have to take or Hold the Hill! Company of Heroes is a 2006 real-time strategy video game developed by Relic Entertainment. Siege or Liberate the City. Go and capture the V1 rocketbase or defend it. A fun 4v4 map.
Little Bighorn has 8 start positions. Operation Baytown is a 6 start position map with railroad system. Maps for Company of Heroes (COH) Browsing history matches: [] Login Login. The Axis have control of the midd... 6,358 15.94MB Map Packs Sniperhanz's Map Pack 2.
Multiplayer 6 start positions. Farmland with a lake!
Dawn, Night and Stormy!
The object of this map is to hold your castle!
3v3 or 4v4 recommended. A farmland / town map. The object of this map is to hold your castle! Island Map. Battle in the african desert! 3v3 or 4v4 recommended.
Presset of beautiful and clean city ready to be demolished by your command. Battle in the african desert! music = "giacchino, michael - clipping thei... Enjoy and leave feedback.
Night Assault Dawn comes in 3 different versions. Dawn, Night and Stormy! A fun 4v4 map.
The Battle of Hamburger Hill was a battle that was fought by the United State... Enjoy the map guys! A fun map to play. If you want the most fuel and munition you'll have to take the middle caps. Best position is player one slot! Unfortunately the German ... About the authors Oct 5 2016 News i only pick this maps from lot of places and put it here for you.I don't know who made this but i hope that they are happy because someone is putting it in another website where more people can see it and download it . Download free maps for Company of Heroes! With over 33 maps included in Company of Heroes and Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts, it may be difficult to become familiar with all of them. This map has a Very High CPU Requirement! Carentan Dawn Attack is a 4 player map in a city / urban environment. Make sure cookies for this site are not blocked by your browser or a firewall.
Push Across the River FTW! Danger! Caen West is a 4 player map for company of heros. Has a river with small island in the middle. 3v3 or 4v4 recommended. Forgotten honour is max players 6. Roads to Paris is a heavily forested area. A fun 4v4 map. Laerkeparken is a 4 player map that has a urban setting. This map has a Very High CPU Requirement! Map can be played as annihilation or victory points.
Takes place on a highway with farmland. Danger! Very High CPU Requirement!
With over 33 maps included in Company of Heroes and Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts, it may be difficult to become familiar with all of them. Trench Warfare map. Takes place on a highway with farmland.Beware of the sinister mud :O This is an 8 player map!Battle Of Patriar is a 6 player map for Company of Heroes.Sidi Nsir North Africa 1943. Go and capture the V1 rocketbase or defend it. Go and capture the V1 rocketbase or defend it. Sniperhanz Germany.
This map has a Very High CPU Requirement! Tipp: Je mehr Brücken eine Karte hat, desto schlechter spielt die KI. Up to 3v3.
3v3 or 4v4 recommended. Theater of Dead starts with 2 teams on opposite side of a theater. Siendo una encrucijada, el pueblo de Beaumont tiene cierta importancia estrat... Dawn, Night and Stormy!In this map you have to take or Hold the Hill! Battle Of Patriar is a 6 player map for Company of Heroes. Push Across the River FTW! ∅ Make sure cookies are enabled in your browser settings for this site to work properly. An RTS game set in World War II, Company of Heroes brings to life -- in full cinematic detail -- the greatest war mankind has ever known. Sniperhanz Germany. A farmland / town map. Company of heroes Maps is a page where you can download maps for COH1 and are public domain + Post article RSS Articles.
Very High CPU Requirement! Sidi Nsir North Africa 1943. Has a river with small island in the mi...
Beware of the sinister mud :O This is an 8 player map! Beware of the sinister mud :O This is an 8 player map! Trench Warfare map. A fun map... Laerkeparken is a 4 player map that has a urban setting. Fuel Depot has a max players of 6. Danger! This is a map file for Company of Heroes. It looks like you're new here. This map has a Very High CPU Requirement! Listed below are links to each map's entry. Desert / sand map with 4 start positions. Theater of Dead starts with 2 teams on opposite side of a theater. Killingfields has 6 start positions and contains a lake with urban setting. Beware of the sinister mud :O This is an 8 player map! music = "giacchino, michael - clipping their wings" Counter-Strike Counter-Strike : Condition Zero Killing Floor Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2. Sidi Nsir North Africa 1943. Fort Fjolleren is a maximum of 8 players and takes place in a industrial military area.
Lots of popcap points for more fun. Die Custom-maps im sga-format müssen in den Ordner "eigene dateien/my games/Company of heroes/ww2/scenarios" hineinkopiert werden. Dense woods!Best position is player one slot! Danger! Maps Upload. Battle in the african desert! We've done what we can to slow down the enemies advance but we're ill equippe...
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Company of Heroes Maps