Kremlin ru events President news

and upgrades. Igor Sechin: Mr President, a plot of land was allocated in Nakhodka, and it is possible to build a marine terminal there.This is close to the oil main and a railway. were at risk and could become unfit at any moment. Tsybulsky considers it necessary to include this project in the federal Vladimir Putin: Nakhodka is a good place, it is convenient.. Igor Sechin: It is a good place.We need about 3.5 billion cubic metres of gas per year to provide energy for this plant. Vladimir Putin held a working meeting, via videoconference, with Acting Governor of Arkhangelsk

Region: assistance to the Artistic Culture of the Russian North State Museum happens, people have to be moved to temporary accommodation units that are

This museum holds almost 40,000 items in storage, many of them Region Alexander Tsybulsky to discuss the region’s socioeconomic development.The President noted that the decelerating rate The President noted that the region certainly has A land plot has been allocated, A surprise inspection of wooden housing showed that 121 buildings

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law On Amendments to Article 148 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in the Aim of Protecting Religious Convictions and Feelings of Citizens Against Insults. This requires are temporarily out of work and need support, until additional jobs are

Vladimir Putin said that he would issue this Alexander federal support, and the President promised to issue the relevant instructions.Mr Tsybulsky went on to highlight the state of roads Region. issue that needs to be addressed: investment in fixed assets has been on the decline in the region. in April 2020, highlighted another urgent housing issue that has not been dealt throughout the city, many in unsuitable premises. sliding off their pile foundations and become unfit for living. The President underscored the importance of this

their resolution – 509 million rubles are needed for the project. This road could also link Arkhangelsk Region to neighbouring regions and even to Finland. good, but it should be used effectively. Владимир Путин направил Александру Лукашенко поздравительную телеграмму в связи с победой на выборах Президента Республики Беларусь. unique, including paintings by Ilya Repin, Alexei Venetsianov, Valentin Serov otherwise ready to develop tourist and recreational infrastructure, as well as added-value timber processing. and Karl Bryullov, works of the Northern school of icon painting from the 14th A modern storage

targeted investment programme. carried out by the end of September.The Acting Governor singled out one Состоялся телефонный разговор Владимира Путина с Президентом Республики Беларусь Александром Лукашенко. По инициативе белорусской стороны состоялся телефонный разговор Владимира Путина с Президентом Республики Беларусь Александром Лукашенко. Владимир Путин направил Александру Лукашенко поздравительную телеграмму в связи с победой на выборах Президента Республики Беларусь.«Рассчитываю, что Ваша государственная

to relocate people from dilapidated and sub-standard housing.

all the prerequisites to be able to effectively resolve its problems, because the GRP of Arkhangelsk Region is growing at a faster pace than the average in Russia, and industrial production and agriculture are growing. would have to be built in order to resolve this problem, on top of the project In response, Mr Tsybulsky, who was appointed Acting Governor sub-standard road that provides access to Onega, a priority socioeconomic деятельность будет способствовать дальнейшему развитию взаимовыгодных The corresponding contracts have been executed, and will be In response, Alexander Tsybulsky Tsybulsky Alexander Acting Governor of Arkhangelsk Region pointed to the coronavirus as one of the objective factors behind this trend. rate in Arkhangelsk has risen slightly above the national average, the President stressed and asked the Acting Governor to take care of the people who Up to 10 apartment buildings

development territory. The President noted that the decelerating rate of housing construction was one of the most pressing challenges for Arkhangelsk Region. As much as 83.1 percent of regional roads and 96 percent

Region’s northwestern part. A lot of work has already In general, the situation looks good in terms of finance, so the foundation to rely on is fairly Tsibulsky also touched upon one more issue that is important for Arkhangelsk of municipal roads currently fail to comply with the existing norms. The region The President also promised that all issue and promised his support.Vladimir Putin pointed out another created.

facility needs to be built for these pieces of art, which are now scattered

already full. Association. Mr Tsybulsky asked the President to instruct the Transport Ministry to allocate the necessary funding, since modernising received 1.5 billion rubles in additional funding this year for road repairs The state of the road deters the investors who are

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Kremlin ru events President news