Use to full advantage, then discard.The Green Mafia. The only way to go from a skeptic to an alarmist is as the result of an intellectual breakdown.Well, I think some people might be in just for the money…ya think?Well put and true. I tried to look past Naomi’s physical appearance so that I could concentrate not only on what she said, but how she delivered her message.I thought for a moment that Naomi was reading her speech off the notepad on the table, but I watched her eyes and could quickly tell that she was speaking from the heart, clearly and succinctly, in a way that I am very jealous of, despite the scores of orations that I have delivered in nearly 5 decades on my favourite subject of astronomy.Naomi is clearly exceptional. Seibt has aligned herself as a paid conservative blogger who is being promoted as "Anti-Greta", in response to Greta Thunberg, aligning herself with the Alternative for Germany. And they are just so fearful of what is to come. Seibt – whom I was lucky enough to meet at the last UN climate conference in Madrid and interviewed here – is a very brave, very … Proto Germanic, a descendant language of PIE, thought to have been the common language of central/Southern Scandinavian inhabitants, is considered to have been the common and very ancient ancestor/root language (perhaps 1000 years or more before the Migration Period) of all Germanic languages ((ie the (extinct) East Germanic (as in Ostrogoths and others), West Germanic (as in Visigoths and others) and in North Germanic (the root of the modern Scandinavian languages)).
No matter how fast, or slow, the sea’s rise, these people will still be burning lethal materials and inhaling the smoke.Naomi was influenced by her mom, who might have been affected by crimes such as these, perpetrated by Merkel’s immune immigrants:Unlike Fröken Thunberg, Fräulein Seibt graduated from high school.Apparently, Greta was home-schooled. It jumped out for me, too (no hashtag).For many years, the IPCC claimed that climate sensitivity was 3 degrees plus-or-minus 1.5 degrees, with the lower limit of 1.5 degrees being “highly improbable”.The facts were that from 1850 to 2018 the Earth warmed by 0.8 +/- 0.1 degrees while CO2 increased from 280 to 400 ppmv.After Judith Curry showed this same result, suddenly all the mainstream media talked about the need to stop warming at 1.5 degrees, not the 2 or 3 degrees they had argued for years. Seibt self-identifies as Libertarian. The herding “instinct” is what has helped mankind to survive from dangers and disasters through the millennia , clans following the leader without second thoughts.That is why the global warming ->climate change leaders are trying to alarm and then direct the stampede, for their own benefit.Nature will take its course, slowly plunging us into the next ice age.
And I hate to see so many young people especially panicking about climate change, about a topic that they haven’t even done their research about.
Their goal is complete control of the world via authoritarian technocracy.I think there is some assumption made about how “professional” these bodies are when they function.
We can consider ourselves fortunate that a bright young woman such as herself has changed her outlook. See the About>Contact menu under the header.Some material from contributors may contain additional copyrights of their respective company or organization. I had a HS football coach whose favorite expression, as he chewed us out for losing a game , was … There is definitely a component of this thinking by the That’s what the climate hysterics are like. As it turns out, beauty is very much in the eye of the beholders and varies with cultures and over time. Wie schlimm ist es wirklich, in einem Land aufzuwachsen, in dem Merkel seit 2005 Kanzlerin ist? The main thing they do is to manipulate the outcome as far as possible in the direction the organizers want. In my view, it was mentioned to bring an additional level of emotion to the already over-dramatised act at the UN (And at the airport when Trump walked past).It is my impression that besides Yanks, there are a lot of Limeys, Kiwis, and Aussies, for whom a variant of English is their first language, who frequent this blog. Naomi gives us hope for the future.Greta – Successfully brainwashed.
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Naomi Seibt Interview