aisling franciosi filme & fernsehsendungen

Aisling Franciosi is an Irish-Italian actress, known for The Fall (2013), Game of Thrones (2011) ... Born: 1993 Photos.

Aisling Franciosi jeszcze nie ma biografii na Filmwebie, możesz być pierwszym który ją doda!grała Lyannę Stark Aisling_FranciosiWystąpiła w filmie krótkometrażowym BBC Rosetta comet mission. ‘Arracht’, ‘Rosie’ lead bumper Irish Film & TV Academy nominations The new film from The Babadook director Jennifer Kent, set in 19th century Tasmania, has been criticised for its scenes of rape and violence against women, but the 26-year-old leading lady believes the extreme content is justified. Mam nadzieję, że po tym występie zostanie zauważona i będzie dostawać więcej szans na prezentowanie swego nieprzeciętnego talentu.Cieszymy się, że Ty też masz łeb pełen filmów i chcesz podzielić się swoją wiedzą z innymi. She is known for playing the part of Katie Benedetto in the RTÉ-BBC Two crime drama television series The Fall and for her role as Kate Crawford in the TNT series Legends. Aisling Franciosi is an Irish-Italian actress, known for The Fall (2013), Game of Thrones (2011) ... She’s one of the most promising young actresses in world cinema – confirmed recently as she was awarded as being a European Shooting Star at the Berlinale this month – so needless to say it was our pleasure to speak all things movies with Irish actress Aisling Franciosi, as she talks to Hot Corn about her very favourite films, and what they mean to her. Aisling Franciosi (Italië, 6 juni 1993) is een in Italië geboren Ierse actrice. STARmeter. Aisling Franciosi (/ ˈ æ ʃ l ɪ ŋ / Italian: [ˈɛʃliŋɡ franˈtʃoːzi]; born 6 June 1993) is an Irish actress. She was born in Dublin in 1993, moved with her family to Italy soon after, and returned to Ireland 4 years later with her mother. AFI / AACTA (od 2012 roku) Najlepsza aktorka za film The Nightingale w roku 2019 IFTA Najlepsza aktorka drugoplanowa w dramacie telewizyjnym za serial Upadek w roku 2015 Aisling Franciosi is an Irish-Italian actress, known for The Fall (2013), Game of Thrones (2011) and The Nightingale (2018).

Known For Filmografia, nagrody, biografia, wiadomości, ciekawostki. 36.4k Followers, 768 Following, 194 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Aisling Franciosi (@aisling.franciosi) Aisling Franciosi - profil osoby w bazie View rank on IMDbPro Filmography. Actress

She attended Trinity College in Dublin and studied French and Spanish. Soundtrack

The Nightingale star Aisling Franciosi says her film deals with the “emotional damage” of sexual violence, rather than focusing on “gratuitous” brutality..

Actress Soundtrack Known For

See all photos. Contact Info View agent, publicist, legal on IMDbPro Top 500. Aisling Franciosi foi personagem em + mais; Untitled Nora Fingscheidt Netflix Film 0 I Know This Much Is True 4.4 39 Clique (2ª Temporada) 3.5 0 The Nightingale 3.7 141 Genius - A Vida de Pablo Picasso (2ª Temporada) 3.9 12 Game of Thrones (7ª Temporada) 4.2 1,2K The Fall (3ª Temporada) I would like to be considered an actor, first and foremost, rather than a starlet or a celebrity. Nie znałem jej z żadnych innych produkcji, a zapowiada się interesująca aktorka.Potężna kreacja! Known For

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aisling franciosi filme & fernsehsendungen