akali runes electrocute

Find even more stats on Akali like win rate by patch, skill order, top players, guides, and counters. Prioritize completing Rabadon's Deathcap early in your Akali build, as players who had this item completed in their build had the highest win rates. Why Sudden Impact Akali can make use of both the Magic Penetration and Lethality of Sudden Impact, while nearly always having the proc up with [W] and [R] casts. If you have any questions or recommendations for how we can make this site more informative for you, please reach out to us at admin@mobachampion.com. See you on the Rift!MOBAChampion.com isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. Scroll down to see the best items and runes for your Pro Akali Build!We comb through millions of League of Legends matches pulled directly from Riot’s servers each week. LoL Statistics, Guides, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for … Prioritize completing Hextech Gunblade early in your Akali build, as players who had this item completed in their build had the highest win rates.
Also you wont proq elec as much withoit going in and out. Electrocute is kinda weak right now compared to other damage runes.

Kaji's Akali Dominating Top and Mid ~ The Fist of Shadow[SEASON 10] 'No-one tells me what to do' - Toplane Akali GuiDid this guide help you? Primaries like conq and electrocute are maybe dependent on build. Imo just works and feels better. Akali can reactivate Shuriken Flip to dash to the marked target, damaging enemies she passes through.Akali dashes up to two times, with a slight delay between. This attack also restores a small amount of energy.Akali throws five kunai in a narrow arc, damaging enemies directly in front of her and slowing those at maximum range. Crossing the ring also empowers her kama, which increases the range and damage of her next attack. The first cast allows Akali to flip backward while firing a shuriken forward, which stops at the first enemy hit and deals physical damage. Like Follow Subscribe. Akali has the 37th highest win rate amongst mid laners (out of 38). If cast with nearly full energy, Akali heals for a percentage of the damage. Electrocute can help in those lanes, as well as allowing you to blow up squishies in midgame.Maybe unpopular opinion, but you only take fleet if you dont know how to play every matchup optimally, don't understand wave manipulation, or are simply uncomfortable on Akali.
Yes sure true damage but no one plays tanks anymore so adaptive force is better. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Almost all of them take fleetElectrocute in Midlane every game unless you've been cheese picked with a renekton illaoi or some other bruiser.Conqueror in toplane unless its something ranged or squishy. Akali is most dominant in the late game, with a 48.0% win rate in the late game, as opposed to a 44.7% win rate overall. Yes sure true damage but no one plays tanks anymore so adaptive force is better.IMO buff the damage but reduce the time each stacks stay so you cant get damage, wait, damaged 2 times more and the rune procs. In the current meta, Akali is a below average mid laner who primarily deals magic damage (66%). It's kinda dumb honestlyI go fleet every game. Akali has the 38th highest win rate amongst mid laners (out of 38). Fleet is for akalis that dont know how to plat melee champions mid.Honestly, just forget fleet. When the ring forms, Akali gains a burst of movement speed towards it. If I can I take Taste of Blood/Ultimate hunter or Minion Demat/Boots/CDRI switched elec to conq in all lanes. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! Akali has the 36th highest win rate amongst mid laners (out of 38). She is a snowball heavy champion and once she has some gold under her belt, she can easily take over the map. Follow Rune Forge to stay up to date! Im only a 60k but after reading others posts and doing games myself i think atm conq is the best option for both mid and topelectrocute akali is dead imo, go fleet if you need sustain in lane, otherwise conq. MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Team Rankings. Also conq is way better late game in teamfights as the extra damage and healing can never be a bad thing. Your R stun cancels her R You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! It will mark the enemy or the last W smoke section hit, for 3 seconds. Sudden Impact-You can proc Sudden Impact with your E and R.The extra lethality and Magic Penetration come in handy in a fight, especially in a 1v1. Electrocute mid all the wayNew comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castFor current or aspiring Akali players, the best and cutest Assassin in League of Legends!Press J to jump to the feed. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote.Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continueAnnoying and if he's good he can cause a lot of trouble for you. I'm a fellow M7 Akali but quite recent and i would like the pros and cons of each rune and btw i take electrocute for the early harass but i don't know if that's enough of a reason.ATM conq and fleet seem to be better than elec, especially since it gives you access to PoM. Akali is capable of all-inning squishy champions by level 6 as she gets tons of mobility and damage. The rune's in-client description reads the quote: "We called them the Thunderlords, for to speak of their lightning was to invite disaster."

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