Albin Kurti: The Republic of Kosovo is a democratic parliamentary republic. Sunday, 23. You can draw them on a piece of paper, but to turn them into a reality on the ground, it’s not doable without conflict. He cannot create nor direct political will. The commencement of the session was marked by noise heard from the Pristina balcony, which showed citizens’ dissatisfaction with the political struggle ahead of the start of the session, as the world battles a pandemic, and Kosovo is also under public health emergency, As constitutional law professor Enver Hasani explained, the government will now be in a technical mandate, while it is up to the president to offer a new prime ministerial term to the strongest party in parliament. Later on he went to Kosovo again in January and reiterated the same thing. Ju që po shitnu Patriota shkoni në Ulqin Preshevë Vladimir tregone vetën. And in the Balkans, if you neglect history, it will backfire. Efekti që prodhon modeli Albin Kurti në Maqedoni, është më i kapshëm nëse shndërrohet në frymëzim, por jo si kopjim. Kurti ka kërkuar të mos politizohet kjo çështje. And this is a first. Baton Haxhiu i është përgjigjur Albin Kurtit, përmes një kolumne. PRISTINA – Assembly of Kosovo passed a motion of no confidence yesterday to the Kurti’s Government
Një përgjigje për gjithë intervistën […] We always had our stance.
Kështu ai ka ironizuar me kryetarin e Lëvizjes Vetëvendosje, Albin Kurti, prejardhja e … “Testet janë një gjest i Serbisë që nuk duhet të politizohet. Members of the Kosovo Assembly, with 82 votes in favor, passed a motion of no confidence to the government led by Albin Kurti. People are afraid that this specter has found Ambassador Grenell and he is going to go behind the two presidents to do the land swap, which could be interesting for the summer but for sure will create new conflicts and new bloodshed because no village wants to end up on the wrong side of the new border. I think that these kinds of quick fixes are the problem itself. It was just, “You [Kosovo] have to drop the tariffs.” He changed his stance for the stance of Serbia.
Kryeministri në detyrë i Kosovës Albin Kurti, në një konferencë për medie ka folur për pranimin e 1 mijë testeve nga Serbia. Propozimi i kryeministrit, Albin Kurti për heqjen e pjesshme të taksës ndaj Serbisë ka gjetur mbështetjen edhe nga diplomati gjerman Wolfgan Ischinger.
The United States was meeting us halfway and usually with the potential to move forward.I’m not saying that the United States is now equal to Serbia, far from it. This specific official has this specific stance, which is identical to that of Belgrade. But after coming back from Belgrade, he started to abandon, bit by bit, the second part—for Serbia to quit the derecognition campaign. The government is in a technical mandate as of today, and the procedure requires President Hashim Thaçi to first offer a prime ministerial term to the winner of last year’s elections, which is again the Self-determination movement.
Kryeministri në detyrë i Kosovës, Albin Kurti, ka thënë se është për keqardhje dhe turp trajtimi që i është bërë qeverisë që udhëheq nga presidenti, Hashim Thaçi, si dhe siç i cilësoi regjimi i vjetër, partitë e tjera politike. Serbia has its own stance. The portal was launched in 2014 by the Centre for Contemporary Politics. Prime Minister Albin Kurti imposed restrictions on people’s movements to help curb the spread of the virus, while his coalition partners pushed for a declaration of a state of emergency that would have given greater power to the country’s president, Hashim Thaci. Këto komente shefi i ekzekutivit i bëri në mbledhjen e qeverisë, ku para Gjuhën e Kurtit, ndër të tjera, e quan të ngjashme me atë të Vojsllav Sheshelit. It always comes back. Mbrëmë e shikova një intervistë të Kryetarit të Lëvizjes Vetëvendosje. He is focused on the signatures at the bottom of the agreement, not on the text of the agreement.
Never, in our 30-year relationship since 1989, has an American envoy to the Balkans had an identical stance with Belgrade.He cares about time, and he needs it fast. But the Serbian president says “we need more talks” with the former province, which insists that Belgrade recognize its independence. This is something unique when it comes to the relationship between Kosovo and the United States. He doesn’t care about history. If he/she fails within that deadline, then we have a second round. Kryeministri në detyrë i Kosovës, Albin Kurti në një intervistë për Euronews Albania flet për zhvillimet më të fundit politike, që nga shkaku i prishjes së koalicionit me LDK-në dhe tek përpjekjet për krijimin e qeverisë së re.Z. Again, this could be Kurti or another candidate, which would be more logical.
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