amnesty international annual report 2019

The World Health Organization (WHO) has already designated the disease a pandemic, and as of the release of this statement, there have been 153,517 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and over 5,000 deaths across more than 100 countries on all inhabited continents.
Thailand: More peaceful activists arrested and charged amidst pro-democracy protests

Xenophobic slogans at a nationalist march in Warsaw, Poland and sweeping crackdowns on LGBTI communities from Chechnya to Egypt showed how the open advocacy of intolerance is increasing.Prominent among a sea of stories that caused shock were the “Shafi, my two-year-old son, he was hit hard with a wooden stick.

It highlights the complicity of members of the Kenyan and Ugandan elite, and the risks posed to those countries’ financial systems.Crisis Action worked closely with the filmmaker, helping to identify and link him to expert sources. If you continue to use this site, we assume that you are okay with this.

In addition, all of Crisis Action's core partners make an annual financial contribution, with the exception of those located in the Global South.

You can Thank you to everyone in our global network that enables us to continue to build innovative collaborations to save lives.At Crisis Action, we have a mantra of “unreasonable optimism”.
We have also amplified Yemeni voices in the debate and made it increasingly hard for the warring parties and their backers to continue on the same course.Last year’s annual report recounted how an international outcry in July 2018 forestalled an expected UAE-led attack on the vital port city of Hodeidah that could have killed up to 250,000 people. These reports document patterns of human rights abuses and provide a blueprint for change.Across the United States, gunshots are fired every day.

This raised further concerns over the shrinking space for civil society in the country. Many also faced unfounded judicial proceedings designed to intimidate and harass them and hamper their human rights work.

Crisis Action supported civil society – particularly women – to participate in the talks, and an IGAD official subsequently said this was critical for helping to secure the deal.Since then, Crisis Action has focused on promoting implementation of the agreement, including by continuing to help South Sudanese civil society voices to be heard, campaigning for targeted sanctions and a UN arms embargo to be renewed, and addressing the underlying drivers of the conflict.In May 2019, in the run-up to a critical UN vote on the renewal of targeted sanctions and an arms embargo, Crisis Action coordinated a concerted global campaign with partners and allies in support of renewal.A particular focus of the campaign was persuading African UN Security Council members, South Africa, Equatorial Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire to not obstruct the vote. I’m also going to write a book about the uprising. "Crisis Action continued its efforts started last year to facilitate informed reporting by independent Russian journalists.

Following one of these trips, key independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta published an extensive In March, Crisis Action organised a forum in Berlin for over 40 activists, experts and opinion-shapers from Russia, Syria and Europe. For example, members of the Municipal Committee for the Defence of Common and Public Assets (Comité Municipal por la Defensa de los Bienes Comunes y Públicos, CMDBCP) faced criminal proceedings before courts that normally deal with cases involving organized crimeMost attacks against human rights defenders remained unpunished. Report on the human rights situation covering 2019 AI – Amnesty International: “Human Rights in the Americas.

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amnesty international annual report 2019