amnesty international praktikum

Please note that the nature of our work means that some employees of Amnesty International might, in the course of their work, be exposed to materials that could be considered distressing, or contain graphic descriptions or depictions of human rights violations or situations that may be shocking. Amnesty International will not charge Should you be invited to interview please be advised that you will receive a notification by email where you will be able to select your preferred interview slot from the availability provided.If you progress to interview you will meet with members of the team, either in person, on the telephone or via video link. Voraussetzungen: 1. sehr gute Englischkenntnisse 2. politisches Interesse an Menschenrechtsthemen 3. If so, please do create your online profile and submit your application. When you join us in the International Secretariat offices you will have the opportunity to use your expertise to support this global movement and to end human rights abuses.We are a democratic worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights to be respected and protected for everyone. Praktika bei der deutschen Sektion von Amnesty International dienen dem Erwerb praktischer Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen auf einem bestimmten Gebiet zur Vorbereitung auf eine berufliche Tätigkeit. Die Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht und wird nur verwendet, wenn Sie ein neues Passwort anfordern oder wenn Sie einstellen, bestimmte Informationen oder Benachrichtigungen per E-Mail zu erhalten. Our Internship programmes are based at the International Secretariat (IS) offices in London, Geneva and New York and occasionally in other IS offices.

Our assessment process will usually consist of two rounds of interview, one remote and one in person, with core skills tests and at times further testing on language or psychometric may be used.The interview panels will generally consist of the line manager for the role, a colleague or peer and another relevant staff expert. Bereitschaft, a… Also, for more information please visit our You will be fairly and competitively assessed against the competencies required to successfully perform the role you have applied for; these will be in line with the job description advertised. You can learn more about these roles on this page. Praktika bei Amnesty in Deutschland Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an einem Praktikum bei Amnesty International. We have undertaken an ambitious programme of change to increase our human rights impact and growth, particularly in the global South and East, achieving a new global organization structure with a much greater distributed, but integrated, centre working more closely with rights-holders and local partners.We see an Amnesty International team – members and staff – that is increasingly representative of those whom we serve. So, outraged by human rights abuses but inspired by hope for a better world, we work to improve people’s lives through campaigning and international solidarity. Das Team Urgent Actions/Übersetzungen sucht für 2017 eine Praktikantin/einen Praktikanten. Discover Amnesty's regional overview of Asia and The Pacific, summarizing the human rights situation and developments in the region

Praktika bei der deutschen Sektion von Amnesty International dienen dem Erwerb praktischer Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen auf einem bestimmten Gebiet zur Vorbereitung auf eine berufliche Tätigkeit.Wir bieten dreimonatige Praktikumsplätze für Praktikantinnen und Praktikanten an, die begleitend zu einer Berufs- oder Hochschulausbildung geleistet werden. Alle E-Mails der Website werden an diese Adresse geschickt.
Region Asien und Amerikas sowie Frauenrechte und LGBTIRegion Naher Osten und Nordafrika sowie Region Europa Vertrautheit mit Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) 4. Telefon: +49 (0)30 / 420248-0 Fax: +49 (0)30 / 420248-488 Find out more about our leadership positions Open main navigation Open search form Jetzt spenden! When you get a job at Amnesty International, you’re working for people whose human rights are under attack.

If you are talented and passionate about human rights then Amnesty International wants to hear from you. Please browse below to find your perfect opportunity.
In addition to assessing your suitability the panel will provide you with further information about Amnesty International, who we are and what we do and how the role fits in to the organization.In addition to assessing your suitability the panel will provide you with further information about Amnesty International, who we are and what we do and how the role fits in to the organization.Following a successful interview you will be contacted directly with the good news to discuss the offered terms and pre-employment checks; we have pre-set reward frameworks and offer all new staff salaries at the first step in our scales to ensure parity and transparency. We believe human rights abuses anywhere are the concern of people everywhere.

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amnesty international praktikum