CEASE campaigning, Hillary Clinton; get back to business, Donald Trump: America’s 2016 election has been cancelled. Formally, this is the Queen. So I’m fighting fire with fire. It promotes the functionality of the status quo as a reason to avoid the hassle of change. As was Dame Quentin Bryce. A continuation of Cuprum’s discussion. And fourth, they do valuable work with charity and diplomacy. I need not spell out the extent of their comprehensive knowledge of each of the Commonwealth countries, not least of all Australia. Think about the last time you altered your view on an important political issue – the chances are it wasn't the result of a single conversation, leaflet or newspaper article.What's important is that we offer people an alternative, show them that republicanism is growing and provide them with the information they need to make their own minds up.When arguing for a republic, it's a case of the simpler the better - there's no point overwhelming people with reams of facts and figures.One of the best ways to put the case for a republic is to make three key points corresponding to "three Ps”: principle, practice and politics:Of course, there are many persistent myths about the monarchy that help maintain support for it.You can't blame people for believing these myths when they're so often repeated as fact by apparently authoritative sources such as the BBC.
Most people weren't particularly interested in the jubilee in 2012 or the royal wedding in 2011; royal events are very much a minority interest.But given the low quality of debate about the future of the monarchy, both in parliament and the media, it's hardly surprising that many people prefer the apparent certainty of the status quo.
Accusations of apathy or ignorance towards Australia on the part of Her Majesty or her family are insulting and wrong.
Monarchy: arguments against. I suppose most of the arguments against a constitutional monarchy in favor of an absolute one boil down to this; if people are given power, they will want more.
Why do people come to Australia?
So to speak, that is, because ‘royalty’ is a dirty word.
All the various arguments for monarchy boil down to 4 main ones: First, a monarchy provides stability because it is part of national identity. We cling to this facsimile of national identity on days like Australia Day due to our lack of cultural identity.Imagine if we didn’t have to, because instead of Australia having a vacuum of culture – caused by the highest office in our land being occupied by an uninterested foreigner – our nation would fill that role with one of us: an Australian who could, as our symbolic national leader, help us find and form an identity of our own to celebrate.Imagine an Australia day more diverse than barbeques and beer: a day where we celebrate curries, souvlaki and pasta as much as the much vaunted snag.Imagine a fulsome celebration of Indigenous culture, instead of tokenism, when an Indigenous person serves as our head of state.Imagine a flag of our own flying from buildings and cars in celebration, instead of a flag defaced by the symbol of a foreign nation being draped over the shoulders of drunken bogans.Imagine being represented on the national state by someone who truly represents our varied people.
As I have already said, I would keep the monarchy, albeit in a much-diminished form, because I prefer it, however bumbling, to some self-promoted megalomaniac. The case against the monarchy.
That the Australian monarchy "works" is a faulty argument against positive change The argument that Australia's government "isn't broken, so why fix it", is what is known as a status quo argument.
These thoughts could be the reality of Australia’s 2050, if we the people choose that future by choosing to become a republic.The year is 2050. But no one notices – let alone cares – because those things are in Melbourne and who lives there these days? Consider the possibilities of a head of state who is gay, or who came to our country originally as a refugee, or who is disabled.Imagine any of the millions of deserving Australian citizens who represent our country’s modern face in that role rather than the foreign, conservative, Anglo-Saxon, Anglican family who currently occupy it.Imagine feeling unashamedly proud of being Australian.
An octogenarian Jacqui Lambie is our president and Canberra has never been cooler: a booming metropolis where, if you’re a pollie, you’re treated like royalty.
The monarchy's not as popular as you might think We're often told that the monarchy enjoys “overwhelming” public support. For republicans pining for a more distinctive national identity, this is it: a rich and diverse composite of different cultures and ethnicities.
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arguments against monarchy