Billiger werden für den Besucher auch Eintritte […]
Bratislava city is located in zones 100+101, while other zones include rest of Bratislava Region. Travelling with Carnet is slightly cheaper than travelling with separate single journey tickets (you can see the savings in the table below).The Carnet contains 24 fields. The tickets for a single journey and tourist tickets can be purchased also from yellow ticket vending machines located at various public transport stops. This is an archived page. Zu Deutsch heißt Bratislava Pressburg. Bratislava CARD Falls Sie einen, zwei oder drei Tage in der Stadt bleiben möchten, gibt es nichts Praktischeres wie die lokale Bratislava CARD, mit der Sie im öffentlichen Verkehr kostenlos fahren dürfen. Public transportation in Bratislava is part of integrated transport system called IDS BK. Viele historische Gebäude zeugen von der politischen Vergangenheit der Stadt als Krönungsstadt des habsburgerischen Reiches. On-board purchase in only possible for holders of chip card issued by one of participating operators or selected Slovak schools and universities with loaded credit. Can I buy a prepaid ticket for one month at a multi-functional ticket machine. Das System des Öffentlichen Stadtverkehrs in Bratislava besteht aus 11 Straßenbahn Linien (nummeriert von 1 bis 17), 11 Oberleitungsbuslinien (nummeriert von 201 bis 212) und 77 Autobuslinien (59 tagsüber verkehrenden, nummeriert von 20 bis 99 und 131, 151, 191).
To purchase prepaid ticket, chip card issued by participating operators, or participating Slovak schools and universities is required. This is an archived page.
Bratislava ist die Hauptstadt der Slowakei und liegt als einzige Stadt der Welt unmittelbar an zwei Grenzen – Österreich und Ungarn. Overview of ways to purchase tickets is available on Day tickets are suitable mainly for tourists. This system offers common tickets that are valid not only on urban transportation but also on regional buses operated by Slovak Lines and regional trains (Os and REX trains) operated by Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko and RegioJet.When using urban transportation, tickets must be purchased in advance.
Jänner bis um 06:00 Uhr des Folgetages). Bratislava city is located in zones 100+101, while other zones include rest of Bratislava Region. could I buy one €0.70 ticket using a credit card? It can be used as almost all ticket for single journey - from 30-minutes / 2 zones ticket to 180-minutes / all zones ticket.
Das Bratislava-Ticket gilt am ersten aufgedruckten Gültigkeitstag auch als Tageskarte für den öffentlichen Stadtverkehr in Bratislava (bis um 01:00 Uhr bzw. The passenger with Day ticket can change without limit within the ticket validity and can also combine services of all operators of Integrated transport in Bratislava region without any limites.
How do I do this online? It is suitable for occasional travellers. Prepaid ticket can be issued as personalised (allowing only specific person to use it) or transferable (valid for anyone who shows it, but only one person at the time).For transport of large baggage, bike or animal the The Carnet is ticket for multiple journeys with flexible use. Current information can be found in the menu. Preise für Tickets.
I have tried but cannot see how it is done Informationen über den Öffentlichen Personenverkehr in Bratislava. They enter the bus or tram on a random stop and check all passengers' tickets.
You can attach up to 5 files in JPG, PNG, GIF and PDF format (max. Ticket machines. A passenger without a valid ticket or season pass can be charged a fine of up to EUR 70, or EUR 50 on the spot.
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bratislava straßenbahn ticket