bristol statue bbc

"I think circumstances came to a head and people felt the need to take the statue down," Mr Rees said.

These are external links and will open in a new windowThe name Edward Colston looms large over Bristol, with streets and buildings named after the 17th Century merchant and slave trader.On Sunday, protesters at an anti-racism demonstration in the city toppled a statue of Colston and dumped it in Bristol Harbour. It comes after …

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Bristol George Floyd protest: Colston statue toppled George Floyd death: Thousands turn out for UK anti-racism protests George Floyd death: How many black people die in police custody in England and Wales?

A statue of a Jamaican poet, playwright and actor has been covered with what appears to be a corrosive substance.

The statue in Colston Avenue was erected in 1895 Mr Rees described the protest as a "well-managed occasion by police and council officers". "As an elected politician, obviously I cannot condone the damage and I am very concerned about the implications of a mass gathering on the possibility of a second Covid wave.

An artist designed the sculpture of Jen Reid to replace the toppled Edward Colston statue in Bristol.

"Protesters in Bristol on Sunday described seeing Colston's statue being toppled as "empowering".Police said a "tactical decision" was taken by officers at the protest not to intervene as people pulled the statue down. "I do not believe that anyone has the right to deface or destroy public property, no matter how warranted they believe their actions or motivation to be," he said.A petition has been set up at for a statue of civil rights campaigner Dr Paul Stephenson to be erected as a replacement.Calls have also been made to remove the statue of imperialist Cecil Rhodes at Oriel College at Oxford, with campaigners saying the university Mr Johnson has vowed those responsible for violence during the anti-racism demonstrations in cities will be held to account, saying Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the way the statue had been pulled down was "completely wrong" but it should have been removed "a long, long time ago". The statue was taken from Colston Avenue and dumped into Bristol Harbour

Many jumped on the fallen statue, others holding a Black Lives Matter banner climbed the plinth where it had stood.There was not so much joy when the statue hit the ground as anger, but the crowd had not finished with the monument.

That statue should have been brought down properly, with consent, and put in a museum," he said.Extra staff, more space and clear guidance is needed to reopen safely, the National Education Union says.

A slave trader's statue in Bristol has been torn down and thrown into the harbour during a second day of anti-racism protests across the UK.

There was clear frustration in Sunday's crowd, partly because the statue still stood in 2020, but also because it had simply been covered for the protest.The canvas covering, which had already been targeted by egg-throwers, was torn off with some people saying they wanted to look the man in the eyes. Protesters in Bristol on Sunday described seeing Colston's statue being toppled as "empowering". "I can't and won't pretend the statue of a slave trader in a city I was born and grew up in wasn't an affront to me and people like me.

The statue will be taken to a secure location to be … Supt Andy Bennett said although he was "disappointed, he did understand" as the statue had caused "a lot of angst" for the city's black community.The Police Federation, which represents rank-and-file officers in England and Wales, has criticised the decision not to intervene, saying it sent a negative message. Boris Johnson: Anti-racism protests 'subverted by thuggery' Edward Colston statue: Protesters tear down slave trader monument Who was Edward Colston and why is Bristol divided by his legacy? A statue of slave trader Edward Colston has been torn down during an anti-racism protest in Bristol.

The statue of Edward Colston was dragged through Bristol before being thrown into the harbour

Bristol City Council said it needed to be removed from the water because the city had a "working harbour".

Edward Colston statue: Protesters tear down slave trader monument Slave trader statue torn down in Bristol anti-racism protest Who was Edward Colston and why is Bristol divided by his legacy?

The BBC's Jack Grey witnessed the statue's fall.Thousands of people attended the demonstration in Bristol, A group of protesters surrounded the statue on Colston Avenue, erected in honour of a man whose ships sent about 80,000 men, women and children from Africa to the Americas between 1672 and 1689.Colston's memory has divided the city for years, with some thinking history can't be changed and others campaigning successfully for his name to be erased from streets, schools and venues.

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