Enjoy! Select suited ghost trailer for your vehicle and ready to go. Fast download speed, no time delays. Check this Thank you for downloading this ETS 2 MOD. Want to be the next person enjoying this mod from modspedia? Some are for bigger and heavier cargoes, other for smaller and lighter ones. Euro Truck Simulator 2 gives you the chance to become a real truck driver from the comfort of your home! Télécharger les meilleurs mods pour Euro Truck Simulator 2 sans inscription de notre site web. Description; Comments (2) Add Media; Credits; Passenger Mod for Bus and Minibus. Latest Euro truck simulator 2 mods, ETS 2 mods. La principale chose qui prend en charge l'intérêt dans le jeu, même maintenant, et le rend comme "immortel" est un géant de la communauté, la production régulière des modifications pour le jeu. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Bus Terminal mod is letting you carry passengers and have fun while having a lot of great features. Dans cette section, nous avons recueilli beaucoup de mods pour Euro Truck Simulator 2, ici et peaux de camions et les écrans de chargement, le monde de la mode, de nouveaux moteurs sonores, de la météo, de la monnaie et plus. We’re creating this mod as our community request and we’re always here for you. Be a real trucker with the most amazing mods. Personnalisation d’intérieurs SiSL's Mega Pack: Plusieurs décorations d'intérieur et un cadre photo à customiser., Glass LightBox: Les marques de vos camions favoris à afficher sur le pare-brise, TOMTOM GPS: Des GPS de la fameuse marque pour tous camions! ETS2 > Maps / January 19, 2020 July 22, 2020 / By bishop / 2 Comments / Downloads: 8999 / 1. Tous droits réservés. Download for free! Within this ets2 mod you’ll be able to carry passengers with lots of different trailers and buses and easily find a job.The amount of ETS2 mods shared online will offer you the best experience in this game as you can modify your bus, truck, engine, skins and lots of other great features this game has to offer. BUS Terminal Passenger Mod [1.36] for ETS2. Featuring licensed trucks with countless customization options and advanced driving physics, the game delivers an unparalleled driving experience which has put it in the spot of the most popular truck driving simulator on the market. Euro Truck Simulator 2 jeu est devenu le plus célèbre jeu de SCS Software, et les fans de la série attendent avec impatience la poursuite de cette fascinante simulateur de transport de marchandises. Euro Truck Simulator 2 kostenlos in deutscher Version downloaden! We consider the Bus Passenger Mod one of the most popular mods in 2020.We are also testing a Passenger Mod specially built for 1.37 game version. Want to be the next person enjoying this mod from modspedia? Click on any of the download links below.Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Download Bus Terminal Passenger Mod 1.36 for free on Modspedia. Mercedes-Benz A(W169, W176), B(W246), C(W202, W203, W204), E(W124, W210, W212, W213, S212), S(W220, W221, C217), G, R, ML, CL, CLK, X, GL, CLA, CLS(W219, C257), GLA, GLC, GLE(C292, W167), EQC, Vito(W639, W447), Vario, Sprinter(903, 906)Version 13.3 – added Bentley Mulsanne and Honda Jazz ’15Hello . All mods are free to download. mod Skin Muharram for standard game trailers.More mods will arrive tomorrow !!! For help about the game, you can ask in our forum or comments below any mod. mod Skin MAMMUT black for standard game trailers.Hello . Euro Truck Simulator 2 v1.37 Englisch: In der Demo des Trucksimulator "Euro Truck Simulator 2" (ETS2) steuern Sie riesige LKW über Autobahnen. Notre site vous permet de télécharger des camions pour ETS 2 en de nombreuses variantes, chaque marque dispose de plusieurs modèles, et de nombreux modèles ont des couleurs différentes. Welcome! If you are the author of an ETS2 mod, you can send to us. Here you will find thousands of ETS2 mods in one place. Et il ne fait sens, parce qu'ils ne s'ennuient pas du jeu quand il régulièrement mis à jour, mise à jour, sans cesse, sans relâche, de mieux en mieux. Be a real trucker with the most amazing mods. You can also activate terminals with using addons for official map …
Truck may look similar but experienced truck driver knows that they can differ a lot. Vous pouvez télécharger des camions pour Euro Truck Simulator 2 dans la section appropriée. Fast download speed, no time delays. Download Bus Terminal Passenger Mod 1.36 for free on Modspedia. Check this Thank you for downloading this ETS 2 MOD. Compitable for original SCS map.
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