During the last five reported years the exports of China have changed by $313B from $2.27T in 2013 to $2.59T in 2018.In 2018 China imported $1.61T, making it the number 2 trade destination in the world.
A notable sea sector export for the UK in 2018 was the sale of HMS Ocean to Brazil worth around £80 million. Exports rose 9.9 percent from 2017 while imports grew 15.8 percent over the period, official dollar-denominated data showed.While the surplus with the U.S. may have risen, last year's overall Chinese trade surplus was the lowest since 2013, even though export growth was the highest since 2011, according to Reuters' records.China's General Administration of Customs said Monday that the biggest worry in trade this year is external uncertainty and protectionism, forecasting the country's trade growth may slow in 2019.Asia's largest economy is still growing steadily in 2019, but it faces external headwinds, customs spokesman Li Kuiwen said at a briefing, Reuters reported.Economic data from China are being closely watched for signs of damage inflicted by the trade war between Washington and Beijing.While official data indicated China's economy held up for much of last year, it now appears to be slowing.
Data is a real-time snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. Global Business and Financial News, Stock Quotes, and Market Data and Analysis.China trade data disappoints investors, showing tariffs affected exportersTrump will win the trade war with China, says Gary Shilling
"With global growth set to cool further this year, exports will remain weak even if China can clinch a trade deal that rows back Trump's tariffs," he wrote in a note on Monday.
"Meanwhile, with policy easing unlikely to put a floor beneath domestic economic activity until the second half of this year, import growth is likely to remain subdued," Evans-Pritchard added.Got a confidential news tip? Click any of the Subnational Level in the geomap to visit the specific subnational profile.The highest complexity exports of China according to the product complexity index (PCI) are The top export opportunities for China according to the relatedness index, are N/A. The barchart show only products that China is not specialized in.The product space is a network connecting products that are likely to be co-exported. Overview: In 2018 China was the number 2 economy in the world in terms of GDP (current US$), the number 1 in total exports, the number 2 in total imports, and the number 30 most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI).
Relatedness is a predictive of the probability that a country increases its exports in a product. Relatedness measures the distance between a product, and all of the products it is currently specialized in.The Complexity-Relatedness diagram compares the risk and the strategic value of a country's potential export oppotunities. Top export destinations of commodities from China in 2018: USA with a share of 19.2% (479 billion US$) Hong-Kong with a share of 12.1% (302 billion US$) Japan with a share of 5.9% (147 billion US$) Korea with a share of 4.37% (109 billion US$) Vietnam with … To explore different subnational trade comparisons in time, visit China's subnational profiles.In 2018 China exported a total of $2.59T, making it the number 1 exporter in the world. To explore different rankings and vary these parameters visit the custom rankings section.This section shows exports, imports and economic complexity data at subnational level for China. This section shows exports and imports data at subnational level for China. China's exports 2018 by country .
Exports rose 9.9 percent from 2017 while imports grew 15.8 percent over the period, official dollar-denominated data showed. The forecast is based in a long short-term memory model or LSTM constructed using yearly trade data.The top product import tariffs by their MFN Ad Valorem value for China are Click any of the products in the bar chart to see the specific Ad Valorem Duty Rates by partner country.During the last 20 years China's economy has become relatively more complex, moving from the 59th to the 30th position in the ECI rank.These economic complexity rankings use 6 digit exports classified according to the HS96 classification.
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china export statistik 2018