Find out what's happening in the world as it unfolds.Beijing is already wrestling with other problems that the trade war could exacerbate.
The initial trade deal “Right now, we are looking at the glass half full. Some companies paid in commercial acceptance bills sell them at a discount when they experience their own financial problems, spreading the potential risk to other parts of the economy if the issuer ultimately cannot pay up.Other signs indicate that Chinese companies are having problems paying their bills. Consumers are spending, and Beijing reached a trade deal with the U.S., but the Chinese economy still faces a difficult addiction to borrowing.HONG KONG — China’s factories are beginning to hum again. China's economy is now growing at its The Chinese economy expanded rapidly in the years after the global financial crisis thanks to "China's growth has been highly credit intensive," said Gerard Burg, Sydney-based senior economist at National Australia Bank. A lot of money did make it to the 3,300 companies that his firm surveys, but their performance did not improve much.“The fact that you aren’t seeing an ‘oomph’ is concerning,” Mr. Miller said.
The total amount of debt in the Chinese financial system is now several times the size of the Some of this money has gone into building bridges, road and other infrastructure. All times are ET. Factset: FactSet Research Systems Inc.2018. All rights reserved. The markets are extremely optimistic, and they are inclined to see the positive side,” said Hao Zhou, a senior economist at Commerzbank.He added, “We have to keep in mind that the glass is also half empty.”China on Friday reported annual growth of 6.1 percent, the slowestIn the wake of the partial trade truce, Friday’s economic figures paint a more positive picture for China’s leaders.
But slumps in the yuan have caused headaches in the past.Amid sharp declines in 2015 and 2016, vast sums of money flooded out of China as investors bet the yuan would keep falling. "There could be a huge capital outflow and that could feed on itself," he said.Beijing appears to have again started dipping into its massive war chest of foreign currencies in recent months to slow the yuan's declines, according to research firm Capital Economics.Another threat lurks in the country's overheated property market.Prices have more than doubled in the past decade, according to research firm Gavekal, stoked by low interest rates and a shortage of housing in major cities.
Strong economic performance helps the Communist Party But the lift from the trade pact is likely to be small. Years of driving growth by lending and spending has loaded China’s leaders appear to be open to taking that risk. Due to the significant number of social problems that have existed throughout the country, China's government has faced difficulty in trying to remedy the issues.
If they cannot pay, Chinese companies may find it getting more expensive to borrow money in the future.China’s new restraint on lending has kept it from injecting vast amounts of money into the financial system and launching hugely expensive infrastructure projects to keep the economic gears spinning.
China is riding out the trade war so far but its economic troubles run deep and could escalate rapidly if US tariffs really start to bite. Some analysts are skeptical about the Chinese government's commitment to cleaning up its financial system, especially as the slowdown deepens and the trade war intensifies. "This will add another layer of pressure," they wrote in a Chinese officials have turned to tax cuts, infrastructure spending and looser monetary policy as they seek to "China's problems are chronic, not acute," said Derek Scissors, a China expert at the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington-based think tank.
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