deepl plugin wordpress

DeepL WordPress Plugin: Revolution in the AI translation quality. Adds a translate button to the edit post page. Translate your WordPress Posts and Pages automatically and generate perfectly SEO-Optimized ContentLocalize all your WooCommerce Products and create awesome multilingual online shop experienceNeuronto supports Elementor Page Builder and translates your Elementor ContentYou can place the Switcher in any area of your website using ShortcodeWebsite and Shop Localization opens new doors to global markets.

!I understand that DeepL is just a translator and doesn't replace a multilingual plugin, but I don't understand why it's not yet ready for Gutenberg, as it is the standard editor for WordPress since over 1.5 years. Adding the missing language to the plugin was easy to do, the plugin being well designed. Our Users have reported phishing websites similar to ours. It deserves easily a 5 fives stars rating especialy because it's completely free, thanks to the author.The plugin is very basic and simply translates the content. If the plugin works along with an app like Google Translate? It uses the DeepL API, to achieve this. DeepL WordPress Plugin: Automatische Übersetzung von Posts, WooCommerce und Elementor mittels AI. Are there […]Neuronto — World’s best Translation for your WordPress WebsiteBeware! Search for: Search forums or Log in to Create a Topic

It does what it says, running your post text through the Deepl API and return a translation in a number of language options. On the other hand, all the languages of DeepL are supported except Portuguese. This plugin requires an active DeepL API subscription with access to the API.

To make sure you get the right solution for your site, find out: If there are additional language packs to download? Is not good for professionals and is bad and actually dangerous from an SEO point of view. It uses the DeepL API, to achieve this. genial! This plugin allows you to use DeepL translation API to translate posts ( and pages ) right from your WordPress Admin. great!

Advanced Caching of words that have already been translated — this saves the API costs by using them without connecting to DeepL.

It didn't work. Shows current and remaining API usage. Quick DeepL Translator Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge translation form embedder plugin. The following people have contributed to this plugin.Not compatible Gutemberg ? Description. brillant! This plugin requires an active DeepL subscription with access to the API (for developers). Support » Plugin: DeepL Pro API translation plugin. WTF. Give WordPress professionals a tool that will make it easier for them to unlock the value that exists in the combination of DeepL and the hundreds of millions of existing WordPress websites. Quick DeepL Translator Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge translation form embedder plugin. This saved us loads of time and money.Function of batch translate all pages / posts would be really appreciated!!

According to a new report from DeepL, the quality of translations has recently improved, thanks to new neural networks that "are able to represent the meaning of translated sentences in the target language much more accurately, while often finding more professional wording". As the plugin is not useful to me and the paid API neither I also cancelled my developer subscription (which is necessary to use the API).

Not ideal if you need plugin for multi-lingual and SEO optimized websites. It … I just tried again a few weeks ago and to my great joy it worked perfectly after the updates that were made on it. Neuronto AI helps you save a lot of money by no longer having to hire expensive translation agencies.Thanks to Artificial Intelligence and ever-improving neural machine translations such as those offered by DeepL.All the Titles, URL-Slugs and contents are translated fully automatically by Neuronto AI.The search engine algorithms pay attention to your URL structure. The Machine translation has never been so good — DeepL creates texts which sound much more natural than those of competitors.

Generieren Sie SEO-optimierten Content. DeepL trains artificial intelligence to understand and translate texts. Thanks for this plugin.

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