Der Fernstudiengang Personalentwicklung hat eine Regelstudienzeit von vier Semestern (berufsbegleitend).
In this respect, human resources development is of key significance as its roles include developing contemporary concepts that highlight perspectives for employees and offering them qualification opportunities and support measures.The German-language Master's programme is aimed at professionals in the areas human resources development and personnel training management as well as middle and junior managers.The distance learning programme provides the participants with the opportunity to acquire knowledge of key and contemporary concepts in human resources development, to combine human resources development and educational practice with scientific approaches, and to enable them to transfer this knowledge to practical situations.
Information on the application procedure and deadlines can be accessedThe distance learning programme's scientific directors are Prof. Dr. John Erpenbeck, Prof. Dr. Gordon Müller-Seitz and Prof. Dr. Matthias Rohs.The distance learning programme Human Resources Development is accredited to award the academic degree Master of Arts (M.A.).
Office hours test electronic queu system 10.00 am - 11.00 am (Monday - Thursday) 10.00 am - 11.00 am (Friday) Contact for students 09.00 am - 4.00 pm (Monday - Friday) Phone: +49 631 205 5252 Fax: +49 631 205 5040 E-mail:
Verpflichtende Präsenzphasen finden einmal pro Semester an einem (verlängerten) Wochenende in Kaiserslautern statt. Forderung Von Mitarbeitern Durch Strategische Personalentwicklung in Lernenden Organisationen - Lars Herrmann - ISBN: 9783656593577. Sorry! DISC | Distance Independent Studies Center Zentrum für Fernstudien und universitäre Weiterbildung Home / Fernstudium / Popularity .
67663 Kaiserslautern . Strategic importance. The agency responsible for the accreditation process is Distance learning programmes are basically defined by the fact that students do not physically attend the institution of higher education, instead the institution of higher education comes to them. In this respect, human resources development is of key significance as its roles include developing contemporary concepts that highlight perspectives for employees and offering them qualification opportunities and support measures. Software Engineering for embedded Systems . The aim of the aptitude test is to determine whether candidates with professional experience but no university degree have comparable skills and knowledge to candidates with a completed undergraduate degree. Facebook omogoča ljudem, da delijo, ter ustvarja bolj odprt in povezan svet. Dazu werden Besonderheiten diskutiert, insbesondere sollen Chancen und Handlungsoptionen abgebildet werden, die sich bei konsequenter Anwendung der Möglichkeiten einer strategischen PE aus dem Themenkomplex der MitCopyright © Bookshop Krisostomus, Raekoja plats 11, 51004 Tartu, Estonia Ph. 09:00
Psychologie kindlicher Lern- und Entwicklungsauffälligkeiten.
Subdivision Distance Student Affairs
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Test electronic queue system. Personalentwicklung, M.A. Accordingly, the application deadline for courses of study with Applicants who have not obtained their study qualification at a German-speaking institution have to prove that they have sufficient For distance study degree programmes in English, sufficient Information on the required and comparable qualifications can be found in the above provided information on the respective degree programme or in the You already have an university degree or have passed the DISC aptitude test and want to continue your education?
Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften allgemein, Note: 1,3, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (Distance and Independent Studies Center (DISC)), Veranstaltung: Human Resources - Personalentwicklung, …
On the DISC website you will find complete information on your degree programme. If you have all the For the content of the aptitude test and the required documents (portfolio), please check out the
... Personalentwicklung.
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Tuition fees are reduced to 30 percent of the original fee as of the third semester exceeding the standard period of study; this does not apply to the Master's thesis fee. Only the social contribution is charged in the first and second semester after the end of the standard period of study.
TUK's postgraduate distance education programmes are offered by All questions concerning application and examination procedures will be answered by the Visiting hours are cancelled until further notice. Applicants who have not obtained their study …
Programmmanagement Systemische Beratung sowie Systemisches ManagementProgrammmanagement Systemische Beratung sowie Systemisches ManagementMit dem Besuch dieser Seite stimme ich zu, dass diese Cookies für Analysen verwendet. Systemisches Management (Certificate) Technoethik (Certificate) Language skills .
Further information can be found Interested persons without a first degree have the opportunity to qualify for the programme by taking an The distance learning programme in Human Resources Development has a standard period of study of four semesters (part-time).
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