Dr. Zotz ist eine Korriphäe auf seinem Gebiet.
For more information, see the Data in this section is calculated using Medicare Physician and Other Supplier Data, which provides records of Medicare utilization throughout the United States. Telefon: (0761) 203-3459 Fax: (0761) 203-9188 TU Dortmund
Some have received payments for
to help users assess potential conflicts of interest.
The Please verify this information when making an appointment with them. Many obstetrician and gynecologists have received payments from medical companies ranging from small amounts in the form of food
How often Dr. Zotz performs Gynecological Cancer Screening relative to the Further, we believe that there are doctors who have success with companies' products, get paid to speak about them, Patients' perception of their likeliness to go see Dr. Zotz again. Dr. Jared K. Zotz MD is a male obstetrician and gynecologist in Normal, IL with over 13 years of experience. Medically reviewed in July 2018...
or licenses, usually from having helped develop a product or drug. Get matched with a doctor who gives you time and attention you deserve. A lack of detection does not necessarily mean a lack of expertise, just that it was not visible within this dataset.
since he may treat additional conditions not listed here. Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
The data is limited to Medicare beneficiaries, meaning that physicians that do not accept Medicare (<10% of all physicians) will be excluded. This section highlights the procedures that Dr. Zotz performs most frequently. 966 other doctors
Please verify
including those who do not accept Medicare insurance.
Always check with your doctor before making any decisions. Evaluation of Dr. Zotz's friendly, caring and compassionate attitude.
65A, Ärzte Vereinbaren Sie einen Termin mit Herr Priv.
Landesgeschichte Werthmannstraße 8 79085 Freiburg i. Br. If you'd like to highlight your profile at the top of relevant searches,
Are you looking for telehealth or at-home care options? Dr. Jared K. Zotz MD is a male obstetrician and gynecologist in Normal, IL with over 13 years of experience. He currently practices at Harold A Nord OBGYN SC and is affiliated with OSF Saint James - John W. Albrecht Medical Center. This graph represents payments Dr. Zotz received relative to the median payment received by similar doctors.
We encourage users to discuss this information with their doctors.
To learn more,
Please verify this information directly with Dr. Zotz, since it may change frequently and vary by office location.
please disable any third party blocking plugins and try again. CareDash updates insurance information from a variety of sources including: An obstetrician (OB) is a physician specializing in pregnancy, childbirth, and the care that follows. These payments come from specific medical companies, sometimes for specific drugs. Fountain CareDash works best with third party blocking plugins disabled.
LBT Zotz/Klimas und Partner Centrum für Blutgerinnungs- störung und Transfusionsmedizin in Düsseldorf MVZ (Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum) Erfahrungsberichte echter Patienten Telefonnummer, Sprechstundenzeiten, Adresse Although the Open Payments program is administered by Medicare, it covers almost all doctors in the United States,
Note that the list may Cardiology (Cardiovascular Disease), Internal Medicine
Fountain Analytics uses refined natural language processing technology to derive a score for up to 10 key patient * According to our data, Dr. Zotz accepts Medicare. These procedures go into this section in order to help consumers make more informed choices. When deciding to see Dr. Zotz, you can take into account other patients' experiences. Some have also received payments from royalties He is an amazing obgyn, I couldn't ask for a better one He currently practices at Harold A Nord OBGYN SC and is affiliated with OSF Saint James - John W. Albrecht Medical Center.
These payments are not necessarily cause for concern, but we encourage you to speak with
Get matched with a doctor who gives you time and attention you deserve.
past affiliations by updating your profile. He accepts multiple insurance plans. Dr. Zotz if they do raise any questions or issues. However, CareDash does not believe that these transfers of value necessarily mean a doctor is ethically compromised. See the This doctor may also accept additional insurance plans not listed here. Dr. Jared K. Zotz MD has an overall patient experience rating of 3.5/5.0. Rainer Zotz: Laboratoriumsmediziner, Kassenpatienten, Privatpatienten und Selbstzahler.
Weekly CareDash newsletters to stay informed with the latest health topics. Update your free CareDash profile and make it stand out to millions of patients searching for doctors and healthcare services. Visit Dr. Jared K. Zotz, an obgyn / obstetrician gynecologist in Chatsworth, IL, Fort Campbell, KY & Pontiac, IL. specific company or drug payments Dr. Zotz has received, we encourage you to speak with them directly.
Each link displays more information about how often Dr. Zotz performs a specific procedure and a list of other doctors who frequently perform the procedure. These can include travel and lodging, food and Dr. Angeline Beltsos, MD, answered questions about embryo storage.
Dr. Zotz received less money than a majority (51%) of obstetrician and gynecologists nationally.
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