enterprise architect composite structure diagram

The Expose Interface element is a graphical method of depicting the required or supplied … Composite Diagram States. A Deployment diagram shows how and where the system is to be deployed; that is, its execution architecture.

A collaboration should only show the roles and attributes required to accomplish its defined task or function.

14.4) states:"ProtocolStateMachines are used to express usage protocols. The element redisplays with a small icon in the bottom right hand corner, indicating that this is now a Composite element.
In reality, the non-Enterprise Architect user is most interested in the diagrams, and ideally would wish to navigate the model using these diagrams. A part is an element that represents a set of one or more instances which are owned by a containing classifier instance.

It connects an external contract of a component as shown by its ports to the internal realization of the behavior of the component's part.A collaboration defines a set of co-operating roles used collectively to illustrate a specific functionality. Our in-depth knowledge of Enterprise Architect allows us to focus on those features that will be of most benefit to you. Show Structural Elements In Composite Diagram: If you already have, or subsequently create, another diagram that better represents the content of your composite element, you can select that diagram as the child of the composite. I would like to be able to drag one element of the model into a diagram (as a Link), and be able to see all the elements contained by this element without having to drag them individually.

StateMachines illustrate how an element (often a Class) can move between States, classifying its behavior according to transition triggers and constraining guards.You generate StateMachine elements and connectors from the 'State' pages of the You can display a StateMachine as a diagram, or as a table in one of three relationship formats.This diagram illustrates some features of StateMachines.The chain-link symbol in the bottom right corner of the Saved State indicates that it is a State with a Composite diagram.You have two options for displaying the contents of a State's Composite diagram. Ports define the interaction between a classifier and its environment. Composite Structure Diagram. This indicates that the classifier UtilLoad uses the Collaboration Pattern within its implementation.A Class is a representation of a type of object that reflects the structure and behavior of such objects within the system.An Interface is a specification of behavior (or contract) that implementers agree to meet.Parts are run-time instances of Classes or Interfaces.Ports define the interaction between a classifier and its environment.A Collaboration defines a set of cooperating roles and their connectors.Use a Collaboration Use to apply a Pattern defined by a Collaboration to a specific situation, in a The Expose Interface element is a graphical method of depicting the required or supplied interfaces of a Component, Class or Part, in a Component or Composite Structure Diagram Connector Toolbox IconsConnectors illustrate communication links between Parts to fulfill the structure's purpose, typically in a An Assembly connector bridges a component's required interface (Component1) with the provided interface of another component (Component2), typically in a Component diagram.Role Binding is the mapping between a Collaboration Use's internal roles and the respective Parts required to implement a specific situation, typically in a The Represents connector indicates that a Collaboration is used in a classifier, typically in a An Occurrence relationship indicates that a Collaboration represents a classifier, in a A Delegate connector defines the internal assembly of a component's external Ports and Interfaces, on a Component diagram. The Composite Structure diagram and all of the Composite Structure elements will be placed inside the dummy Class element. A composite structure diagram is a UML structural diagram that provides a logical overview of all or part of a software system.

In MagicDraw, the Composite Structure diagram needs a Context element to contain itself.

A Device is a physical electronic resource with processing capability upon which Artifacts can be deployed for execution, as represented in a Deployment diagram.An Execution Environment is a node that offers an execution environment for specific types of components that are deployed on it in the form of executable artifacts.A Component is a modular part of a system, whose behavior is defined by its provided and required interfaces.An Interface is a specification of behavior (or contract) that implementers agree to meet.An Artifact is any physical piece of information used or produced by a system.A Deployment Specification (spec) specifies parameters guiding deployment of an artifact, as is necessary with most hardware and software technologies.An Association implies that two model elements have a relationship, usually implemented as an instance variable in one or both Classes.A Communication Path defines the path through which two DeploymentTargets are able to exchange signals and messages. When interfaces are shown as being owned by classes, they are referred to as exposed interfaces. Ce diagramme est une variante de l’exemple défini dans la spécification de la superstructure UML 2.0 - page 161. A Junction can be used to combine or merge multiple paths into a shared transition path.Entry Point pseudostates are used to define the beginning of a StateMachine.

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enterprise architect composite structure diagram