F: You jump spin into the air and slam releasing shards within a 180° radius. Eto rozpoznaje mężczyznę. W :re, Eto oznajmiła że jej uczucia do niego pogłębiły się.
As a result, she has no qualms about remorselessly slaughtering humans and ghouls alike, and shows happiness when inflicting pain on others. Elle porte une tunique aubergine sans manches avec des oreilles tombantes rattachées à la capuche. His reputation made Eto eager to fight him when he arrived with his squad, but retreated later. Hinami told Takatsuki about her problems and Takatsuki told her the hard truth. She told him he owed nothing to someone that would not return his love, and suggested that they be destroyed instead.
Tak jak wiele ghuli, jest w stanie oddzielić swoje tożsamości ghula i człowieka z wielką łatwością. Dziewczyny poznają się na spotkaniu w księgarni, podczas którego nawiązuje się między nimi pewna więź. As Sen Takatsuki, she is quite playful and scatterbrained at times, oversleeping on the day she was supposed to be signing books and taking photos with admirers when it was prohibited by her manager. Będąc odseparowana od swojego ojca przez lata, Eto nie dzieli z nim zażyłej relacji.
Still looking excited, she called Kaneki's name.Eto made her appearance as Sen Takatsuki, and showed up late to an autograph session at a bookstore. Ela é filha de Kuzen Yoshimura, um Ghoul ex membro da organização denomidada "V" e ex gerente e dono da Anteiku, e Ukina, uma humana que trabalhava em uma cafeteria, assim sendo Eto é considerado um Ghoul de um olho ou Meio-Ghoul. This is the first stage of kagune. Jako Noro, był jej głównym podwładnym i często widywany w jej towarzystwie. However, it's still unknown how their relationship has developed after their first encounter, since Hinami does not talk about her with much animosity, in spite of everything Eto's put her through. Eto's left a bit exasperated by Sasaki's attitude, but leaves the offer open and divulges her wish anyway; She wants Sasaki to kill the During Arima and Sasaki's fight, Eto is still confined in her cell, noting that Sasaki is giving his all against the investigator.As the disposal compactor is initiated, Eto ambushes After their battle, beaten and injured, Eto inquired about Furuta's kagune being She was revealed to be the 'corpse' the taxidermied Owl kakuja had as a main-body, and slaughtered many investigators and ghouls under the control of Donato.
He questioned Eto's motives for appearing, to which she replied she is passing time by watching the situation between Kaneki, Kanae, and Tsukiyama unfold, and is curious as to who would be killed amongst the three. She compliments Sasaki for having developed some good "eyes", and apologizes to Shiono for putting him in trouble.
This seems to be the reason behind many of her actions as Ukina was intent in pursuing V at the time of her death. Skills. Eto rozmawia z Ayato w kryjówce Aogiri. Zmęczeni wcześniejszą walką z jej ojcem inspektorzy -Walka z nią jest ciężka do momentu przybycia Drużyny 0 z Podczas napadu na Cochleę, widzimy Eto wraz z innymi członkami Aogiri - ghule wywołują jak największy chaos, by móc uwolnić Eto pojawia się później po pokonaniu Yoshimury. She explained that while quantity and quality of one's Eto began to wax philosophical, questioning whether Kanae has ever read the Book of Genesis. Though she is typically unkempt, she is noted to be an incredible beauty with many admirers and greatly resembles her mother, While active in Aogiri, she wraps her entire body in bandages, doubling as a concealment to keep her identity secretive. Dazu trägt sie noch ein rosa Blumenschal um ihren Hals.
Radzi mu także, by był ostrożny, ponieważ "mięczak" może pojawić się na Aukcji. While he suffered, Eto stood back smiling, interested in his progress. She continued observing as the reawakened Sasaki quickly gains the upper hand and incapacitates Kanae with his kagune. Designed by Neeox.
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eto yoshimura ghoul