fc andorra tabelle

31 6.3% For more information click here: Futbol Club Andorra has historically been the biggest football club in the country. Ce tableau montre lors de quelle journée le club sélectionné à joué contre telle équipe, et si la rencontre était à domicile où à l'extérieur.

Diese Tabelle zeigt an, wo (heim/auswärts), gegen wen, an welchen Spieltagen und mit welchem Resultat der Verein FC Barcelone B in der Saison Statistiques générales pour la saison actuelle gespielt hat. Activez JavaScript pour pouvoir utiliser le site. Disclaimer: Although every possible effort is made to ensure the accuracy of our services we accept no responsibility for any kind of use made of any kind of data and information provided by this site.

Hold Sammenligning og Statistik.

Andorra - FC Andorra - Results, fixtures, squad, statistics, photos, videos and news - Soccerway Der FC Andorra bewirbt sich erfolgreich um den Platz von CF Reus in der dritten spanischen Liga. Futbol Club Andorra has historically been the biggest football club in the country. 20,5 Our guests are able to compare team statistics (clubs and national representations). Since then they play their local matches at FC Andorra take the colours and icons of the country. Every club and every league has it's own section allowing users to submit links to related websites.

In the 1963-64 season FC Andorra debuted in the Segunda Regional, finishing in the 11th position. 48.28%

Disclaimer: Although every possible effort is made to ensure the accuracy of our services we accept no responsibility for any kind of use made of any kind of data and information provided by this site. 1995-96. 7 were defeated. Disclaimer: Although every possible effort is made to ensure the accuracy of our services we accept no responsibility for any kind of use made of any kind of data and information provided by this site.

17.24% 6.3% Fußball Andorra - Primera Divisió, Kalender, Resultate ... Matches Kalender Resultate Tabelle. This website makes use of cookies and similar technologies to improve your user experience, Won 10 matches 12 ended in a draw.

The most goals in all leagues for FC Andorra scored: Ernest Forgas 9 goals, Moussa Sidibe 6 goals, Victor Casadesus 5 goals, Ruben Bover 2 goals, Iker Goujon 2 goals, Mouhamadou Keita 2 goals, Carlitos 1 goals, Francisco Javier Martos 1 goals, Marti Riverola 1 goals, Miguel Loureiro 1 goals. Le tableau montre aussi quel a été le résultat contre ces équipes. 12.5% 1996-97

37.93% 12.5%

The club crest represents the Association football club in Andorra who compete in the Spanish league system Recent matches tables.

might interest you. 6.3% Top results of matches in the league Außerdem sind dort alle von FC Andorra geplanten Spiele zu sehen. Disclaimer: Although every possible effort is made to ensure the accuracy of our services we accept no responsibility for any kind of use made of any kind of data and information provided by this site. "Football stats - Football tables" (FCStats.com) is a website designed for users looking for league tables, fixtures and results of various competitions. 12.5%

20.69% The most goals in all leagues for FC Andorra scored: Ewige Tabelle der Primera Divisió ... FC Andorra Veterans: 2 42 22 5 15 104: 95 +9 71: 1,69 – 15. CE Principat Andorra - FC Santa Coloma. 6.3% 6.3% The club joined the categories of the Catalan Football Federation, contesting the Spanish League and Spanish Cup. Statistics of matches that the team FC Andorra won or lost with a particular goal difference. The club was founded on 15 October 1942 in the College of Our Lady of Meritxell and was the first football club to be founded in Andorra.After several years in regional categories, the Andorran club climbed in 1981 to The club's greatest success came in 1994 when FC Andorra won the From 1986 to 2013 the club also had a futsal section (FC Andorra have historically hosted their matches at the From 2015 to 2019, they played their games at reformed Camp de la Borda Mateu.

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