My core here is Ravenous Hydra/BC (He's going to rush it, you want to keep up with his Phage)/Death's Dance (This helps a lot with reducing his burst)/ Bloodthirster/GA or Phantom Dancer.The way I generally handle it is that I poke the bastard as much as possible when he doesn't have his yank thing, then when he does, I dive in as hard as I can - so the yank is useless - and exhaust+ignite him, and then balls deep his ass till he's dead.I save my parry for either a) his way-too-easy-to-riposte circle thing, or b) when he's desperate to win the fight cuz we're both low HP and has to ult. Counter Kills. 45% 55% Champion Kills. Fiora. If cant run out of it then try stay close to him. 36% 42% Comeback Ratio. Darius Top Lane. When he uses his Q, should I Q away from him to dodge it, Q into him to deny the heal, or Riposte it? Please let us know what you think and how we can improve by clicking here.There's not a lot you can do early game against Darius. Kills. Urgot Top Lane. How do I play against Darius when I am Fiora? Since Darius Q now has a delay try to use your W to block the damage, keep poking him with an E+Q combo so he'll get slowed and you run so he can't retaliate or trade back. The inner part do less damage. Diana . Maokai Top Lane. Vladimir Top Lane. Whenever you get a vital that favors you, go in, get it, he will Q, keep attacking wile moving to stay inside Decimate then GTFO. Since he still gets healing if you parry his Q.Okay, so here's the low down. Deaths. Tryndamere Top Lane. Draven . Darius is a terrible all in champion, which means you can effectively control when and how you fight. 47% 53% Early Lead Ratio.
Dodge the blade of his Q whenever he uses it (either q away from him, or q into him.) Jayce Top Lane. Counter Stats Calculated When Both in the Top Lane Only. 4.4 4.7. All Cha Mas Dia Pla. Fiora vs Darius in the Top Lane. After hitting a few vitals he would look to use his Q (his only sustain) to punish you, this is where you parry.Parrying the Q is often more important than parrying his ult, as it guarantees that he stays low HP for most of the fight.
The golden rule is AVOID THAT HOOK!After the reworks, Fiora destroys Darius if played properly. 6.5 5.8. Sett Top Lane. Archived. Don't let him stack up his bleed. 6.0 6.9. Sure, Darius might TP bot to do whatever, but that usually just means that I can take his tower.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast“I have come to kill you for the sake of honor.
Close. Fiora. The Fiora vs. Darius matchup: How do I play it? If you fall behind early, a Glacial Shroud will give you some armor and let you farm with abilities for longer. Dr. Mundo .
Ideally in lane, poke the vitals and farm. Play like a bitch till level 2.This is up there with Riven in my favorite matchups. Darius pushes the lane hard granting you safety under the tower and giving your jungler free food as Darius lacks an escape. Nasus Top Lane. Few champions win extended trades with Darius, and Fiora isn't one of themy to be honest. As long as you dont feed him you will win medium to late game. i always have a hard time facing a darius as fiora, what should i do in order to win this matchup?If you parry his pull, don't engage. Jungle. The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed. Dont waste your W to block it The CDR helps you escape too.The only thing you have to be aware of is the level 1 engage, Darius will always win the level 1 trade if he takes W.At level 2, take W, once he casts Q, Q inside the range of the handle so you do not get the bleed/extra damage and start engage.Then you will want to W him to reduce his attack speed/movement speed and possibly parry his W.From then, you just have to keep slapping him until he dies.Same goes for all trades later on, never parry his Q, always use Q to get inside the range in the handle instead. Report … Posted by 4 years ago. Assists. His ult becomes a better parry target later on. Garen Top Lane. After the reworks, Fiora destroys Darius if played properly. Gangplank Top Lane. Wukong Top Lane. VS. Darius. Ekko .
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fiora vs darius