gjilan kosovo news

This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total. A small percentage has the Serbian ethnicity. Just like in many other towns of Kosovo, Albanians are the Until the 1990’s, Gjilan had several profitable factories, producing tabacco, textile, radiators and batteries.If you want to visit the city, we advice you to check out the main mosque, Xhamia e Çarshisë. The country has a lot to offer. Have a day off in the small Balkan state? Serbians do write Gnjilane. SITES There is also a Serbian Orthodox church, After visiting some religious sights, it’s always a good thing to have a coffee or beer in the center of Gjilan. E-mail: info.gjilani@rks-gov.net.

Gjilan or Gnjilane, is a city and municipality located in the Gjilan District in eastern Kosovo. Discover the most extensive Kosovo newspaper and news media guide on the internet.

Gnjilane (es); Gnjilane (szl); Gjilan (ms); Gjilan (en-gb); Гниляне (bg); Gilan (tr); ججیلان (ur); Gnjilane (sv); Г’їлані (uk); 格尼拉內 (zh-hant); 格拉尼内 (zh-cn); 질란 (ko); Gnjilane (cs); Gnjilane (bs); গিজিলান (bn); Gnjilane (fr); Gnjilane (hr); गजीलन (mr); Gjilan (vi); Glijane (lv); Гњилане (sr); Gjilan (pt-br); Gjilan (sco); Gjilan (lb); Gjilan (nb); ಜಿಜಿಲಾನ್ (kn); Gjilan (en); جيلان (ar); Gjilan (hu); ગિલાન (gu); Гнилане (ru); Gjilan (de); Gjilan (ga); Գնիլանե (hy); 格尼拉内 (zh); Gjilan (da); ジラニ (ja); Gjilan (ie); ග්ජිලන් (si); Гниляне (tt); जिलां (hi); జిలన్ (te); Gjilan (fi); Gjilan (en-ca); ஜிஜிலன் (ta); Gnjilane (it); Гнілане (be-tarask); Gjilan (pt); گنییلان (fa); 格尼拉内 (zh-hans); Gnilanė (lt); Gnjilane (sl); Gnjilane (sr-el); Gjilan (id); จิลาน (th); Gjilan (kapital sa distrito sa Kosobo) (ceb); Gnjilane (pl); Gjilani (sq); Gjilan (nl); Gnjilane (ro); Гњилане (sr-ec); Gnjilane (sh); 格尼拉內 (zh-hk); Гнилане (mk); Gjilani (ca); Τζιλάν (el); גילאן (he) comune e città kosovara (it); city in Kosovo (en-gb); mesto na Kosovu (sl); ceety in Kosovo (sco); горад у Косава (be-tarask); city in Kosovo (en-ca); місто в Косові (uk); gemeente in Kosovo (nl); город в Сербии, в Косово и Метохии в 47 километрах к юго-востоку от Приштины (ru); City in Kosovo (en); Großstadt im Kosovo (de); ciutat a Kosovo (ca); qytet në Kosovë (sq); إحدى مدن كوسوفا الهامة (ar); město v Kosovu (cs); עיר בסרביה (he) ગ્જિલન (gu); Gnjilane, Gjilan (ca); Gnjilane (de); Gjilan, Gnjilane (sq); گییلان (fa); 吉尼拉内 (zh); Gjilan, Gnjilane (tr); ジラン, グニーラネ, グニラネ (ja); Gjilan, Gjilane, Gjilanë, Gniljane, Gjilani, Gnjilane (distriktshuvudort i Kosovo) (sv); Гнілане (uk); 格拉尼內 (zh-hant); जिलेन (hi); 질라니, 그닐라네 (ko); Gnjilane (en-ca); Gjilan, Гњилане (cs); குஜிலன் (ta); Gjilan, Gjilani (it); জিলান (bn); Gjilani, Gjilan (fr); Gnjilane (pt); Gjilane (lv); Gnjilanė (lt); Gjilan, Gjilani (sl); Gnjilane (pt-br); Gnjilane (sco); Гиляне, Гнилане, Гниляни, Гиляни (bg); Gjilan (sh); Γκνίλαν (el); Gnjilane (en-gb); Гньилане (ru); Gjilani, Gnjilane, Gjilan (gemeente) (nl); Gnjilane (en); جيلان(كوسوفا) (ar); 格拉尼内 (zh-hans); گیلان، کوسووہ (ur)

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Especially in the summer, the many bars and restaurants are full with people. °F.

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Vali Ranch Resort, is Kosovo’s leading family resort destination, offering a full range of life style and business hotel.

In the final match played today at “Fadil Vokrri” stadium in the capital, Prishtina defeated Ballkan with 1:0.

Main News. Gjilan defeats Drita and remains in the race for title, Ballkan draws with Prishtina ... 29 July 2020 – Prishtina is the winner of the Digit Alb Cup of Kosovo for the 2019/20 edition.

When you are lucky, you spot some fancy cars of successful migrated Kosovars, who spend the summer in their homeland.The city of Gjilan brought forward some football players. One of them is playing for the Swiss national team.

Gjilan is a big town in the East of Kosovo. Kosovo - KF Gjilani - Results, fixtures, squad, statistics, photos, videos and news - Soccerway Current weather in Gjilan and forecast for today, tomorrow, and next 14 days The Project will provide substantial environmental and health benefits compared to the existing situation by improving the wastewater management services in the Municipality of Gjilan through the construction of a new WWTP with the capacity of 76.000 P.E. They rebuilt it in modern Arab style after earthquake damage. News Memorandum of Understanding Gjilan University “Kadri Zeka” Posted on 18/03/2019 23/04/2019 by STA - Albania - Kosovo - Macedonia.

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