If i try to place humans in a religious or spiritual context, supposing a deity, one thing still strikes me. Evil can only separate us from enjoying the glory He wishes to bestow upon us when we deny Him to pursue evil.
As a response to his own theological journey as well as the relatively recent barrage of international examples of evil, Wright enters into an open-ended academic dialogue wherein he tables his own well-reasoned reflections on the topic.
"I agree with ryan, that we should thank God no matter what, but I cant thank him for evil. Sceptical Theism and the Paradox of Evil1 Luis R. G. Oliveira University of Houston ... many believe that the force of the evidential problem of evil depends on sceptical theism being false: if evil is evidence against God, then seeing no justifying reason for some particular instance of evil must be evidence for it truly being pointless. I am not an atheist. Evil is the result of disobedience to God's perfect law. "Yup Padre", he said, "I like to consider my self a Christian as much as the next man" Thread starter sylla1; Start date Mar 7, 2010; Tags evil god paradox; Home. Does that not say that evil has power over God. Because of our stubbornness, we must see the evil in the world in order to understand why God's way is the best way.
Epicurean Paradox. Then he is not omnipotentIs God able but not willing to stop evil?
Evil is the result of disobedience to God's perfect law. The knowledge "of" good and evil includes nothing in it that would imply a discerning between.I understand God uses evil to do his will.
All rights reserved.There is only a "paradox" if you believe in mythical, omnipotent beings who control your life.It's a self-created problem that doesn't exist in the real world. Has God revealed through scripture that evil does not accrue to His Glory? Evil is not the opposite of good, but the absence of it. As the ongoing thread opened by Robert165 has shown, the paradox of the apparent incompatibility of the simultaneous existence of evil and an omnipotent benevolent God is still ongoing, in spite of its long story. I would be very happy to kill evil things and people just like David and many others, whom God loved did.
I have to say I dont know any Christians that praise God for evil. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I know everything has a purpose but Id rather praise God for letting me kill evil than for its existence.
For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.As the ongoing thread opened by Robert165 has shown, the paradox of the apparent incompatibility of the simultaneous existence of evil and an omnipotent benevolent God is still ongoing, in spite of its long story. On the paradox of evil and God. "Is God is willing to prevent evil but unable? 7; 8; 9; First Prev 9 of 9 Go to page. To me it's a way to reconcile God with evil. He allows it because obedience and love must be a choice, and the effects of evil show us a stark contrast that highlights the perfect nature of His goodness.
You must log in or register to reply here. Has God revealed through scripture that evil does not accrue to His Glory? If He is able, but not willing.
If He is both able and willing. Can we look at something like AIDS and cancer as a form of evil used by God make his plan happen? I understand what your saying and why your saying it, but I cannot praise evil. If i try to place humans in a religious or spiritual context, supposing a deity, one thing still strikes me.Copyright © 2006-2020 Historum. I understand what your saying and why your saying it, but I cannot praise evil. He allows it because obedience and love must be a choice, and the effects of evil show us a stark contrast that highlights the perfect nature of His goodness.
For instance Hitler killed millions of Jews, but all of that evil helped Israel get back their homeland. Religious History. JimD is right in his thinking,even though I see what Gem is saying also.We should absolutely hate evil but realize that it has its purpose in God's perfect plan also.He allows evil but is storing up His wrath for it.The knowledge "of" good and evil includes nothing in it that would imply a discerning between. Yes, i suppose it's philosophy, but isn't all religion? I didnt understand most of that but agree with the last paragraph
God is the creator, so nothing can decrease His glory. Then whence cometh evil. I am human, so to praise evil is certainly not normal.
I am not an atheist. Evil plants and animals if you will doing the work of God. Things just ARE. "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. So, God, by nature logical and unable to violate the laws of logic, cannot make a boulder so heavy he cannot lift it because that would violate the law of non contradiction by creating an immovable object and an unstoppable force. History Chamber.
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