greek election 2015

Before the May 2012 election, support for the far-right Golden Dawn was less than 0.5%, and has always been above 5% since.About 9.8 million Greeks are eligible to vote and parties need to secure at least 3% of the vote to enter parliament for a four-year term.The Greek parliament has 300 seats: 250 members of parliament are elected using proportional representation and the final 50 seats are automatically awarded to the party that wins the most votes. But these came with strict terms attached: a series of brutal austerity programmes entailing deep budget cuts and steep tax increases.Greece’s economy has nosedived: GDP has shrunk by 25% since 2010.
When calculating the impact of the 2015 fiscal budget presented by the Greek government, there were a disagreement, with the calculations of the Greek government showing it fully complied with the goals of its agreed The election scene is expected to take place between pro- and anti-bailout parties. Greece has its general election Sunday, called early under an automatic constitutional trigger provision given a deadlock over selection of the (mostly ceremonial) president. Some 18% of the population cannot meet their food needs and 32% live below the poverty line. Graph of polling from the June 2012 election to the January 2015 election, showing 8-poll moving average trend lines
In the three elections since May 2012, the two parties’ combined score was 32%, 42% and 32.5% respectively.Conversely, support for smaller parties has increased. Map of electoral districts, showing the largest party by share of votes. Anastasios Papapostolou - Jan 26, 2015 With 99.86% of the ballots counted, SYRIZA has been declared the winner of the general election that took place last Sunday in Greece. In the 1980s it was consistently above 80%. The election was held earlier than scheduled due to the failure of the Greek parliament to elect a new president on 29 December 2014. Nearly 26% of the workforce are unemployed (most of whom do not receive benefits); wages are down 38%, pensions by 45%. The parties, the issues, the polls: a complete guide to Greece’s third big national vote of 2015After months of bruising negotiations with the country’s international creditors, Greece’s newly installed but already-outgoing prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, was forced this summer to accept the Greece has received more than €300bn of international bailouts. Darker shades indicate stronger vote share.Financial market reaction to the call of a premature electionFinancial market reaction to the call of a premature election SYRIZA results are compared to the combined totals for The ECCL instrument is often used as a follow-up precautionary measure, when a state has exited its sovereign bailout programme, functioning as an extra backup guarantee mechanism with transfers only taking place if adverse financial/economic circumstances materialize, but with the positive effect that its sole existence help calm down financial markets - making it more safe for investors to buy government bonds - and hereby it will aid the attempt for the government to raise funding capital from the private capital market. In the 10 years to 2005 the average dropped to 75%. MPs are elected from lists of party candidates in 56 geographical constituencies; voters in Athens, where half the population lives, elect 58 of the 300 deputies.The share of the vote needed for a 151-seat majority will depend on how the overall result is divided between parties: if every party that runs actually gets into parliament, a 40% share would produce outright victory – but if lots of votes go to smaller parties that fail to clear the 3% entry barrier, the share needed for a majority drops.Although voting is compulsory in Greece, it is not enforced.

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