If responses given in defined time window meet the criteria of the alert specification, then an alert is triggered. "HTTP status code 400 in case of invalid parameters.Retrieves raw feedback results for a specific survey. With the app you can: - Follow your ke y experience metrics - Monitor trends - Compare performance across organization and time - Subscribe to email reports - Get notifications to spot changes in you service performance The HappyOrNot Repor… This allows getting the time of the feedback as accurately as possible. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Timestamp of returned follow-up result data is sooner than the value. "text": "Restaurant is one the best in this area. Grammar Why do people get their guesses so wrong? To make sure that the API is not affected by misuse, requests will be rate limited.
The most extreme deviations are in Asia—South Koreans think that 24% of people report being happy, when in reality 90% do. The results are available via the Note: HappyOrNot might append more properties to this object in the future without api version increase. The current version is The hourly summed up results are returned in a JSON Object like this: Alert specifications can be edited in the web UI.Alerts can be fetched for a folder and optionally also for any child folders.Alert parameters. Note that the domain name might have been mapped to multiple IP addresses and those IP addresses may change at any given time. {{#verifyErrors}} Elle est conçue pour vous aider à prendre les bonnes décisions de manière rapide et efficace.Cette option de visualisation est conçue pour vous aider à suivre les tendances sur le long terme. The sentence contains offensive content.
With the HappyOrNot Reporting app you can keep an eye on your customer and employee satisfaction at any time, anywhere. A feature enhancement of real-time alerts pushing to customers’ mobile devices will be available later in the first quarter 2019. The base URL is followed by versioning information: "vX", where X is the number of the API version. Thanks!
Timestamp of returned open feedback data is sooner than the value. Besides using the data types supported by JSON, the following rules apply. listed below.If there is so much feedback that some of it does not fit in the same HTTP response, the response will contain the feedback with the earliest timestamps. If there is more feedback available, then inside the In the case where no follow-up responses were given during the requested period, empty Note: HappyOrNot might append more properties to this respons in the future without api version increase. For default values, see Truncates and sums the feedback to required precision. When using Basic Authentication, use the client identifier as username and API token as password. Value parameters calculated from responses during the time window: Timestamp of returned feedback data is sooner than the value. For example: In the HappyOrNot-system customers' organizational aspects are structured hierarchically in a tree of Once the required survey keys have been fetched, feedback results can be fetched from the survey resource. Every response will contain HTTP headers that will help caller to work within the limits. Elle vous permet aussi de repérer les moments précis et les emplacements exacts où la qualité du service s’est détériorée. Raw results have a separate timestamp for each feedback. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'"> L’application et la plateforme de reporting en ligne HappyOrNot vous permettent de suivre vos indices de performance de deux manières :Cette option de visualisation vous donne un aperçu simple et rapide de vos indicateurs de performance clés. Timestamp of returned feedback data is sooner than the value. Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English
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happy or not reporting