This is a style of deck that has been flirted with before, but never panned out in the past.Scholomance is now here and bringing some additional cards to the archetype. The deck is also very difficult to pilot, what further lowers its presence on ladder.Token Druid has received two extremely powerful cards in Ashes of Outland—Fungal Fortunes and Glowfly Swarm. There's a whole bunch of cards that synergize with these and get significant bonuses or effects when you have them in your deck!The current best decks in Hearthstone's Scholomance Academy expansion are Pure Paladin, Spell Druid, and Big Warrior! For now, it is mostly reserved for Warlock enthusiasts.Aggro Druid has not received any new cards in Ashes of Outland. This deck did okay in Ashes of Outland, so we're hoping it continues to remain strong in this meta.Spell Damage based decks are getting another shot in Scholomance! Inner Fire Priest is still being optimized, and a refined version is expected to break into Tier 2 in the future.Big Priest seems to be enjoying local success. We think the most effective version is the one featuring Sathrovarr and Kael’thas to maximize damage potential against armor decks. There's also some flirtation with the idea of a Spell Damage Shaman, but we're really going to have to wait and see how it performs.Totem Shaman is already a solid deck, so adding additional cards to it should make it even better. Note that by ‘falling behind’, we mean that the Egg variant simply fell to the Bottom of Tier 1, not that it’s no longer powerful.Discard Warlock is one of the most exciting breakthroughs of the new expansion. Playing strong cards on curve into a Zephrys finisher is oftentimes enough versus slow decks, while Reno helps a ton veruss aggro.There haven’t been any Control Demon Hunter decks popping up in Wild yet. The current deck’s only card draw is from Consume Magic and Crimson Sigil Runner, so if they were to add strong draws like Skull of Gul’dan, the deck will return to its former glory.Even Shaman has always had this reputation of being a jack-of-all-trades deck, and its proven once again as it survived another expansion without a significant boost.
It can be a struggle to get the relatively weak Murlocs to stick to the board, but if they do, Murloc synergies can lead to some stunningly fast lethals. In response, almost any deck that could slot in an Ooze has been doing so.
The Spell version relies more heavily on spells and summoning minions through things like Exotic Mountseller.Hunter was doing fairly well before all of the Demon Hunter nerfs, but after the last one they found their footing and have largely been dominating in the meta. Welcome to the First Edition of Team WildSide’s Wild Meta Snapshot for 2020!
The Highlander variant saw the most play, but a Dragon version was also usable.
It can also sometimes lose to some inherent inconsistencies—for example, pulling the wrong minion with mana cheat spells or having the first few threats answered and being left with no more ways to get on board. Murloc Paladin’s main strength in the current Meta is a strong matchup against Time Warp Mage. For example, if Odd Paladin is High Tier 1 and has a multiplier of 12, it will bring the class an additional 216 points.Therefore, a class can be placed highly on the Ranking system based on one (or both) of these elements: having a few strong decks (deck power) or having many decks (class diversity). The winrate of Aggro against Time Warp Mage is thought to be bumped up by a few percentages as a result, which is enough for clear counter decks to emerge. Making-a-bunch-of-statues seem to be a valid enough strategy against both Aggro and Time Warp Mage. One of two awkward turns from an opponent can be just enough for the deck to squeeze out a win. Galaxy Mage is a strong choice for ladder at the moment, especially if you are not seeing much Quest Mage.
Odd Demon Hunter being a very popular deck that can remove most of your guys for 1 mana is something that you don’t want, and the meta tyrant Pirate Warrior shoots down your minions with Cannon and Skybarge.
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hearthstone meta decks 2020