Due to a pending patent, Théo could not be too firm on aesthetic and technical details.
In addition, the Viroblock technology stays effective on washable masks (up to 30 washes).With this development idea at the end of last year, the company jumped on a problem that would later hit the world.
HeiQ topics are also nicely represented, take a look! That’s exactly the risk that we want to mitigate.
Fatty vesical technology helps as a booster against the contamination of the mask itself. Room 2501, Xuhui Commercial Mansion, No. Face masks are one of the most discussed topics in recent times. Huang has worked in both Australia and China in senior management positions.Théo holds two master’s degrees from EPFL: one in mechanical engineering and one in Management of Technology and Entrepreneurship.
168 Yude Road, In Europe, many nations have recently issued advisories to wear a mask in certain public settings. (1) M.J. (2020) Report on “Viral Stability and Persistence of SARS-CoV-2 on Treated Material”. Rua Engº Frederico Ulrich, nº 3210, 3ºandar-sala 318 A potential host for microbes – Textiles. But they also provide a large hosting surface for all kinds of microbes, some of them are harmful for the textiles, and these microbes can live for days to months on textiles and multiply rapidly!Feel safe, clean and hygienic in your clothes, enjoy relaxing time on your fabric sofa and sleep carefree in your bed. This was also a special “first” for us: with on-site guests in our office and online viewers on Zoom, we hosted our first hybrid event.Many thanks again to the speakers for their precious time and availability – their inputs on this complex topic are very much appreciated and well-received!Parallel to drafting these recommendations, the group – initiated by the Swiss Confederation – has started to advise different companies on how to produce community and surgical masks. The testing of the treated fabric is required for mill validation and for trademark licensing.HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 is a unique combination of our The silver technology attracts the oppositely charged viruses and binds permanently to their sulfur groups. And that is how Viroblock is tested effective against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) with a virus reduction of 99.99%. With this development idea at the end of last year, the company jumped on a problem that would later hit the world. He is adjunct professor at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology at ETH Zurich and Guest Professor at the University of Haute-Alsace in Mulhouse/France. For once, we have to post negative news. These activities are being financed by the Swiss Innovation Agency, Innosuisse. The 18th edition of our Café des Sciences focused on MaskTech. Two types of face masks have been produced with this manufacturing method since March: the HeiQ Viroblock FFP2 respirator (non-surgical use) and HeiQ Viroblock KN95 respirator (non-surgical use). Empa scientists develop wound dressing that kills bacteria; Coats threads and engineered yarns powered by HeiQ Viroblock; TFP to introduce new materials at China Composites Expo; UK based window blind manufacturer grows with Brückner; Digital Technology Supercluster completes $60m investment in COVID-19 program
HeiQ also has a range of highly wash-durable antimicrobial and odor control textile technologies, called HeiQ Pure, combining silver-based and bio-based materials for all fabric types.
Tests have been conducted by HeiQ with the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity in Melbourne, Australia (Doherty Institute).Face masks are supposed to protect the wearer and/or the others but they are also a potential vector for viruses and bacteria!During, before and after use, there is a risk of transferring pathogen to and picking up pathogen from the surface of the face masks:And there is always the risk of contracting the virus through touching the face after touching the contaminated surface of the mask or other surfaces contaminated by the mask.HeiQ recommends the below test methods for the determination of the antibacterial and antiviral efficacy of treated textiles. The solution is Helvitek Labs E.R.S., a 1-day use layer that works with existing masks. HeiQ, lauréat du Swiss Technology Award et du Swiss Environmental Award, lance HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03, un traitement textile antiviral et antimicrobien dont l’efficacité est testée contre le coronavirus. Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Australia(2) 2013 Geneva University, Modified ISO 20743, Sendai virus contact kill time testing, Dr. Thierry Pelet, Switzerland(3) 2020 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, India ((6720)179-0376-1); 2020 Microbe Investigations AG, Switzerland (LS20-01767)(4) 2020 Beta Analytic Inc, ASTM D6866-20, certificate number 449044561206110513* McAuley J. HeiQ Viroblock NPJ03 is an intelligent Swiss textile technology that is added to the fabric during the final stage of the textile manufacturing process. Among other things, he is part of the COVID-19 Science Task Force of the Swiss Confederation, which is responsible for the further development of protective and breathing masks.Carlo studied Biology and Forest Engineering at ETH Zurich. J. With this topic comes a broad field of further action: nation-wide projects to improve face mask technology or ventures by private companies to work on the technology and innovation of new masks.
The solution is rooted in HeiQs historical DNA as a specialty chemistry company: a silver technology with a very strong antibacterial but also antiviral effect thanks to its surface charge. HeiQ Viroblock protects the textiles from harmful microbes and germs.HeiQ Viroblock is designed for a wide range of applications:Protective medical fabrics, e.g. ... Empa – Swiss Federal … HeiQ calls for textile industry’s united effort by offering proprietary “Viroblock” to CHT, JINTEX and Piedmont. Subsequently, the fatty spherical vesicle technology (Liposomes) helps to deplete the viral membrane of its cholesterol content in minutes. EMPA develops textile-based antibacterial membranes . HeiQ V-Block is designed to inhibit the growth of microorganisms and their odors on textile surfaces. Today, HEIQs technology supports healthcare professionals but also people returning to normal life by functionalizing their garments or public transportation textiles.The third and last speech was given by Théo-Tim Denisart.
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