help cbp gov

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U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has the authority to detain, seize, forfeit, and ultimately destroy merchandise seeking entry into the United States if it bears an infringing trademark or copyright that has been registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or the U.S.

If you can't call on the phone or don't want to wait on hold right now, using their online help desk is a good way to call, but they also do have a phone number (+1 800-232-5378) which we show above.

Sharing is what powers GetHuman's free customer service contact information and tools. This is the US Customs and Border Protection help page where most customers begin when they have a customer service problem, plus information about what the turnaround time is for helpful responses and how to find assistance for your specific problem. Contact the National IPR Coordination Center for additional enforcement opportunities concerning reported violations. This is the US Customs and Border Protection help page where most customers begin when they have a customer service problem, plus information about what the turnaround time is for helpful responses and how to find assistance for your specific problem. For more information, or to request the use of the logo, please go to and submit a request by clicking on 'Ask a Question.' Searches can be performed utilizing keywords, multiple keywords, phrases, and combinations of each.

And again, if you didn't realize it was an option and you'd rather have a dialog with somebody, you can actually phone them. There are several steps an IPR owner can take to ensure their trademarks and copyrights are enforced at all U.S. Keyword Input. This is the US Customs and Border Protection help page where most customers begin when they have a customer service problem, plus information about what the turnaround time is for helpful responses and how to find assistance for your specific problem. Copyright Office (USCOP), and has subsequently been recorded with CBP.

Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. Sign in to the Trusted Traveler Programs site to find out the status of your application.. is for account access and sign-in only and does not affect or have any information about your Trusted Traveler Programs application, membership, or eligibility. You can help! Operations suspended until at least September 8, 2020Almost a million times each day, CBP officers welcome international travelers into the U.S. If you are looking for US Customs and Border Protection's best customer help page or faq or forum, this is the best entry point according to 6,390 GetHuman users in the last 12 months. Ports of Entry.Review CBP regulations, 19 C.F.R. eAPIS collects and transmits electronic manifests to CBP's Advance Passenger Information System (APIS). When selecting the product (under Additional Information) use 'EVUS' and the sub-product 'Logo Assistance' to expedite the handling of your request. If you are a visitor to the U.S. coming to work, study, conduct business or immigrate, get the Information you need to smoothly navigate the process and procedures to enter the U.S. CBP's Trusted Traveler Programs provide expedited travel for pre-approved, low-risk travelers through dedicated lanes and kiosks.If you are a traveler coming to the U.S. through a land border Port of Entry and have a Ready Lane-eligible document, get the information you need to benefit from dedicated primary vehicle and pedestrian lanes and experience significantly faster processing. The Electronic Advance Passenger Information System (eAPIS) is a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Web-based application that provides for the collection of electronic traveler manifest information for international travel both into and out of the United States. This is the official U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) website where international travelers can apply for Trusted Traveler Programs (TTP) to expedite admittance into the United States (for pre-approved, low-risk travelers). If you are looking for US Customs and Border Protection's best customer help page or faq or forum, this is the best entry point according to 6,390 GetHuman users in the last 12 months. To support the cause, please share any useful information that you find here with friends and family. We created a free, impartial concierge you can speak to right now that can compare TV, cable, phone, and Internet deals in your area. Consultas (877) 227-5511. US Customs and Border Protection Help Pages: What to Know. Para llamadas desde el exterior (202) 325-8000. Search results will include records with the keyword doghouse in the document. Sometimes when you dig through the various help topics and volumes on, you end up needing to go back and forth with somebody in their customer service department, in which case they may switch to email as the medium for communication. But on the bright side that back and forth can turn out to be less time overall, than, say, getting on the phone with a customer service representative.US Customs and Border Protection has a page or online help desk for customer service, but you can also call them on the phone. If you see any errors in this information, be sure to let GetHuman know. US Customs and Border Protection Help Pages: What to Know. But check out our information about their phone number +1 800-232-5378 to get more specifics there, such as the average wait time or to check if a real live human being actually picks up the phone. For detailed instructions on the use of this site, please see our user guide below: User Guide This is the official U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) website where international travelers can apply for Trusted Traveler Programs (TTP) to expedite admittance into the United States (for pre-approved, low-risk travelers). We care about your experience with us, and we want you to have the opportunity to ask us a question, give us a compliment, or submit a complaint.

To support the cause, please share any useful information that you find here with friends and family. In total, you can communicate with US Customs and Border Protection using 2 different media: web, phone. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Are you already getting the best deal? Thank you for visiting the COVID-19 Relief Imports portal.

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