is oder are

there is - there are Übungen - there is - …
The capital "T" of "The" calls attention to the fact that all three words are to be treated as a single entity. In addition to his regular "Word Routes" column here, he contributes to the group weblog Language Log. That's why I'm looking forward to the As a Canadian now living in Europe and frequently doing business in the UK, I am often confronted with collective nouns being used with plural verbs... "British Airways are having a seat sale", for example.

See more. Anzeige. Perhaps the point is more clearly seen if one writes that "The United States" turned into a singular noun. Synonym Discussion of order.

Archiwum Państwowe w Szczecinie (State Archive of Szczecin), Rep. 126, Krajowy Urząd Skarbowy w Szczecinie 10 Physik.

Or should I have written "is"?

Peene branch (between Usedom Island and the German mainland): Das Verb be (am, are, is) – Hilfsverb und Vollverb. Before the war, there were writers and statesmen who preferred the singular, and afterwards there were still many who held on to the old plural usage. Ich bin aus Schwerin. Order definition is - to put in order : arrange. Thank you.The UK and the US differ generally on the is/are thing with collective nouns, though you don't tend to see 'The United States are' these days. have oder has; Überbegriff (topics) numbers (Zahlen) 41 Mathematik. Sie sind keine Engländer. The Oder is 840 kilometres (522 miles) long: 112 km (70 miles) in the Czech Republic, 726 km (451 miles) in Poland (including 187 km (116 miles) on the border between Germany and Poland) and is the third longest river located within Poland (after the Vistula and Warta), however, second longest river overall taking into account its total length, including parts in neighbouring countries. Oder definition, a river in central Europe, flowing from the NE Czech Republic, N through SW Poland and along the border between Germany and Poland into the Baltic. 562 miles (905 km) long. Sätze übersetzen, Sätze bilden, am, is oder are, Wörter wissen, have oder has, Text verstehen. Very interesting!

For a distance of 116 miles Er ist nicht in der Schule. I've written about this at An 1895 But Bierce was on the losing side of that argument. → English. Commonly known as body odor … It made us an "is. For the smaller river in Lower Saxony, Germany, see Polen = Poland, Deutschland = Germany, and Tschechien = Czech RepublicThe commission was staffed with one representative of Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Cf. Now I understand the historical evolution of this usage. oder Sie ist glücklich. Smelly armpits may make you self-conscious, even though this is a problem most people have dealt with before. (Brighton United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) (Wallington, Surrey United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)Copyright ©1998-2020 Thinkmap, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 05 there is oder there are There is - there are 06 There is oder there are Was ist richtig? ‘Also, some species can emit a strong, foul odor if handled - we found this out firsthand.’ ‘"Choline salts have been known to produce an offensive, fishy body odor, " says Wright.’ ‘One can almost smell body odor coming off the page.’ ‘Occupants also had noticed a strong unpleasant odor resembling sewage.’

He's always a pleasure to read even when he's dead wrong. You can see the persistence of the traditional plural treatment of "the United States" in the 13th Amendment, ratified at war's end in 1865: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within In fact, the "United States is/are" debate raged for decades and was hardly settled by the surrender of the Confederacy. It is one of the most significant rivers in the catchment basin of the Baltic Sea, second only to the Vistula in discharge and length. You write that "the United States" turned into a singular noun. But why do we say "the United States is full of..." instead of "the United States The late historian Shelby Foote repeated an oft-told tale for the popular documentary series Before the war, it was said "the United States are." Brauchst du Hilfe? When you notice an odor, that tells you that you are exposed to something in the air that triggered your sense of smell. And after the war, it was always "the United States is," as we say today without being self-conscious at all. → from Schwerin. Oder River, river of east-central Europe. → She's happy. Klassenarbeit 2047 Februar. → in the car. I always took it for granted that the use of singular verbs with "the United States" was just one another example of the North American penchant. Klassenarbeiten und Übungsblätter zu am, is oder are. The Oder is known by several names in different languages, but the modern ones are very similar: English and German: The Oder is 840 kilometres (522 miles) long: 112 km (70 miles) in the Czech Republic, 726 km (451 miles) in Poland (including 187 km (116 miles) on the border between Germany and Poland) and is the third longest river located within Poland (after the Vistula and Warta), however, second longest river overall taking into account its total length, including parts in neighbouring countries.The main branch empties into the Szczecin Lagoon near The Oder is navigable over a large part of its total length, as far upstream as the town of Further downstream the river is free flowing, passing the towns of From the 13th century on, the Oder valley was central to German The earliest important undertaking with a view to improving the waterway was initiated by In the late 19th century, three additional alterations were made to the waterway:

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