jetsun pema wangchuck

His Royal Highness Prince Ugyen Jigme Wangchuck is among the DeSuups undergoing training in Paro. His Majesty thanked the local leaders of Samtse and people living along the border for their continuous efforts in making sure Bhutanese do not come in contact with the virus. Registration for the 39th batch, with 2,520 volunteers, began today. Her Majesty the Queen, Jetsun Pema Wangchuck was born to Yab Dhondup Gyaltshen and Yum Sonam Choki on 4 th June 1990 in Thimphu. His Majesty will be continuing to visit the eastern and southern parts of the country in the next few days.On the auspicious occasion of the Birth Anniversary of Guru Rinpoche (Trelda Tsechu), His Royal Highness the Second Gyalsey to His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen has been named Jigme Ugyen Wangchuck.

Chuma Kinzang Dorji, along with 4 of his fellow soldiers, helped rescue 5 people who were stranded in the flash flood of Mao Chhu on the night of the 21st of July. e COVID-19 cases on the rise in the neighborhood. ❁To commemorate the 30th Birth Anniversary of Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen on the 4th of June, it is our privilege to share a wonderful collection of photographs of the Royal Family. The conclusion of the third session of Pa In a simple ceremony, His Majesty The King granted Dakyen to appoint Chogyal Dago Rigdzin as the new Chief Justice of Bhutan. While she is young, she is warm and kind in heart and character. With profound wisdom and compassion, Her Majesty strengthens and empowers our collective efforts as we move forward into a new era and strive to fulfil our aspirations, under the benevolent leadership and guidance of His Majesty The King.

His Royal Highness’s name will be announced in the coming days. Th Prior to this appointment, Chogyal Dago Rigdzin was serving as the Chief Election Commissioner of the Election Commission of Bhutan, having been appointed to the position in 2015. In Samtse, His Majesty met with people living in villages near the border in Ugyentse, Yoeseltse, Sang-Ngag-Chhoeling, and Tashichhoeling gewogs. Meanwhile, in the past month, His Majesty granted Audiences to Desuups of the 41st batch accelerated training programme at Damthang, Jigmeling, Pelrithang, Tashigatshel, Tashichhoeling, Tendruk, Tencholing, Shaba, and Dechencholing. After the visit, His Majesty granted Tokha to the people of Tang and granted Audience to Class 10 and 12 students of Jakar Central School. The rescue operations were conducted at 4 different locations along the river. The first 40 families moved into the new houses today, in a tendrel ceremony attended by the Prime Minister. For the Queen, what is most important is that at all times, as an individual she must be a good human being, and as Queen, she must be unwavering in her commitment to serve the People and Country. Yab Dhondup Gyaltshen is the grandson of two Tashigang Dzongpoens: Thinley Tobgay and Ugyen Tshering. The National Order of Merit recognises outstanding civilian contributions to the Tsawa Sum.

Her mother, Aum Sonam Choki, comes from the family of Bumthang Pangtey, one of Bhutan's oldest noble families. Der Monarch ist der fünfte Druk Gyalpo (dt. Accompanied by His Royal Highness the Gyaltshab, the Prime Minister, and National Council Chairperson, His Majesty also visited the Gyalpoizhing College of Information and Technology and Sherubtse College, as well as central schools in these dzongkhags.7 July 2020: His Majesty The King is on a Royal Tour of the central, eastern, and southern parts of Bhutan to inspect the impact and works related to COVID-19.

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