joe biden agenda

But Biden's pact with the left is even bigger. It will take you to a PayPal donations page. Allies of Senator Bernie Sanders are touting agenda items they persuaded Joe Biden to adopt in his platform, Newsweek has learned. The Tax Foundation estimates Biden’s tax proposal would The Tax Foundation also estimates that although “Biden’s tax plan would make the tax code more progressive, it would reduce after-tax incomes for filers across the income spectrum by reducing the incentive to work and invest in the United States.”In his speech, Biden promised to create a “health care system that lowers premiums, deductibles, [and] drug prices by building on the Affordable Care Act.” But under Biden’s plan, the health insurance system would inevitably collapse after the cost of private insurance is driven to such unsustainable heights that most American families are forced to enroll in an inferior government-run plan.Biden’s disastrous health care proposal would create a public, government-managed option for health care coverage, allowing the tens of millions of Americans who are now uninsured or stuck in a costly ObamaCare plan — which, don’t forget, Biden had falsely sworn would save American families money prior to its passage in 2010 — to gain access to more affordable coverage.That sounds great, except for the fact that those lower costs would then be passed on to private health insurers, because, like Medicare, health care providers would Biden’s plan would further exacerbate this problem by offering the public option to millions of people living in states that have chosen not to expand their Medicaid program under provisions in the Affordable Care Act.As the number of public option patients increase at hospitals and other health care facilities, private health insurance costs would increase by leaps and bounds, because private insurers do not have the same leverage to negotiate as the government. And most importantly, wind and solar energy would dramatically increase the cost of energy nationwide.Research shows forcing Americans to transition to an energy grid that receives 80 percent of its power from wind, solar and batteries — a likely scenario under the Biden plan — would cost at least Many energy-intensive businesses, especially manufacturing and factories, simply could not survive with the substantially higher costs imposed by a future Biden administration. And no amount of debate preparation or makeup could conceal the fact (not opinion) that Biden has lost a step or two (or more) over the past few years.It should be clear to all who have been following Biden’s career that the man who took the stage Thursday night was a shell of his former self.Not only did Biden fail to provide voters with a captivating appeal on the biggest night of his life, but the frail Biden also presented a vaguely worded set of promises that offered few details. With the selection of Kamala Harris as his running mate, after assigning Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to work on policy, it is clear that Joe Biden has outsourced his agenda … (Presumably, Harris doesn’t mean the kind of reproductive justice that the virulently racist Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger, had in mind  when she said she wanted to use abortion “to exterminate the Negro population.”)Even CNN couldn’t help but notice that “If you were looking for what, specifically, Democrats will do if they seize power in Washington next year, you’ll have to dig deeper than the speeches offered during the most-watched portions of their national convention so far this week.”Those who might have thought that the Democrats would reveal their plans on Thursday night were also disappointed.Biden himself at least talked about some of his plans. If you like what you see, feel free to leave a donation. Their only hope of continuing to operate would be to leave the country.It’s also quite incredible that Biden is pushing so hard for a costly energy plan that would rely on green energy sources so soon after Although energy-intensive industries would be hit particularly hard by Biden’s infrastructure proposal, millions of other jobs would also be put at risk under other parts of Biden’s platform.For instance, Biden demanded on Thursday that Congress “end … the president’s $1.3 trillion tax giveaway to the wealthiest 1 percent and the biggest, most profitable corporations, some of which don’t pay any tax at all.”What Biden didn’t say is exactly how much he would raise taxes on these businesses and business owners.

So too was any substantive discussion of Joe Biden’s agenda should he win the White House. Premiums and deductibles would skyrocket, pushing increasingly more families into the government-run plan.Biden says rising costs in the private marketplace would be offset by his proposal to increase government subsidies in ObamaCare exchanges, but that won’t help folks with employer-sponsored plans, about So, under Biden’s plan, many middle-income families might be able to afford to pay health insurance premiums, but they won’t be able to afford to actually use their insurance if they get sick — a problem that has plagued ObamaCare from the very start.Faced with higher premiums and/or deductibles, families in the private marketplace would eventually move into the public option plan, and the more people who do, the more health care providers would jack up payment rates for insurers, causing a This is the true cost of the radical, far-left vision that Biden has been bullied into accepting as his own over the past two years: higher-cost, less-reliable energy sources, millions of jobs destroyed that are related to the fossil-fuel industry, millions more shipped overseas, hundreds of thousands of additional jobs lost because of Biden’s plan to raise taxes on businesses, and health insurance so expensive that the system eventually is forced to fall apart, leaving no options for consumers except whatever the government is willing to make available. Biden tries to hide radical economic agenda as he accepts Democratic Party's nomination The “moderate” version of Joe Biden, if one ever really existed, vanished a long time ago

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