juventus kader 1998

Season review. iuventus – mladosť), často označovaný ako Juventus alebo skrátene Juve, je taliansky profesionálny futbalový klub sídliaci v meste Turín, v metropole regiónu Piemont na severozápade Talianska. Feb 10, 1998 (22) 242722 339889 202402 544579 606608 485806 402081 529510 606046 697039 410456 574752 531609 574753 733433 653589 294856 335535 239909 553904 460923 319479 227103 259911 571207 692612 Squad details by position The list takes into account all players currently confirmed as new arrivals or returners. 22.8 The list takes into account all players currently confirmed as new arrivals or returners. For using this site, please activate JavaScript. Juventus Football Club S.p.A. (z lat. You can also choose to show players being negotiated as potential new entries.

You can also choose to show players being negotiated as potential new entries. League level: 29.6 This is the expected squad for the coming season. Juventus coach Maurizio Sarri dismissed talk that his future would depend on the result of Friday's Champions League last 16, second leg match against Lyon in Turin.... more » 06.08.2020 03:43 Ian Rush former footballer from Wales Centre-Forward last club: Sydney Olympic * Oct 20, 1961 in St. Asaph, Wales 30 Dies ist die Kompaktansicht des voraussichtlichen Kaders vom Verein Juventus. Berücksichtigt werden feststehende Neuzugänge sowie Rückkehrer. 23 The Coppa Italia win over Fiorentina was followed by a spectacular 3–0 victory against French giants Marseille in the UEFA Cup Final.In the league, Parma could not quite match Milan and Lazio, but managed to clinch the fourth and final Champions League spot.. You can choose to display all players whose contacts are expiring, but who do not yet have a subsequent contract lined up. You can choose to display all players whose contacts are expiring, but who do not yet have a subsequent contract lined up. This is the expected squad for the coming season. League level: For using this site, please activate JavaScript. Parma won two trophies in one of the club's most successful seasons.

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