California Sen. Kamala Harris used her opening remarks during her first campaign appearance as Joe Biden's choice for vice president to honor the women who helped pave the way for her and acknowledge the work needed to curb the coronavirus pandemic.The California Democrat said she was "incredibly honored by this responsibility" and that she was "ready to get to work." And that's how they met as students in the streets of Oakland marching and shouting for this thing called justice in a struggle that continues today," she said.The California senator said her parents would bring her to protests as a little girl "strapped tightly in my stroller." ""Because of Trump's failures of leadership our economy has taken one of the biggest hits out of all the major industrialized nations with an unemployment rate that has tripled as of today," the senator from California said.During her speech, Sen. Kamala Harris discussed the importance of family in her life, referencing the nickname her kids have for her: "Momala"She said, "I've had a lot of titles over my career and certainly vice president will be great. But what brought them together was the civil rights movement of the 1960s. We're reeling from the worst public health crisis in a century. Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, and his running mate Kamala Harris make their first campaign appearance together in Delaware. Kamala Harris zeroed in on President Trump when discussing why the US leads the world with the most Covid-19 infections. You can follow her work on Twitter at @_etreynolds.Goodyear's financial downfall began long before COVID-1Here's a rundown of some of this week's most notable crHandwritten notes from fired former FBI agent Peter Str One from India and the other from Jamaica in search of a world-class education. “I believe them, and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,” Harris told reporters at a presidential campaign stop in Nevada on Tuesday. We will give you dignity. Harris talked about how her parents, Jamaican and Indian immigrants, met while protesting for civil rights in Oakland in the 1960s. The US leads the world with more than 5 million coronavirus cases "because of Trump's failure to take it seriously from the start," Harris said during her first appearance as Joe Biden's choice for vice president.Harris claimed Trump "inherited the longest economic expansion in history from Barack Obama and Joe Biden" and "ran it straight into the ground. Kamala Harris was the front-runner to be Joe Biden's running mate pretty much since the moment the presumptive Democratic nominee announced in March that … Flores In 2020, after Harris’s comments, Tara Reade also made headlines for After Reade’s accusations were publicized, Harris was criticized as a hypocrite for To all survivors of sexual assault: We hear you. We see you. Here’s a rundown of some of this week’s most notable crazy leftist moments on camera that legacy media won’t cover.Copyright © 2020 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST Media, All Rights Reserved.Elle Reynolds is an intern at the Federalist, and a senior at Patrick Henry College studying government and journalism. Don't let this process bully you into silence.Copyright © 2020 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST Media, All Rights Reserved.2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said Friday he not hesitate to implement a nationwide lockdown if advisors recommended it.CNN Political Commentator Nina Turner demanded that the United States redeem itself from its exhaustively racist past.Joe Biden’s Democratic convention speech Thursday night failed to garner the high ratings Democrats hoped for while Americans stay home.Republicans endorsing the most progressive platform of any Democratic ticket in recent memory seem to be of the ‘Orange Man Bad’ ideology.
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