labour party (uk)

In the same year, Tony Blair stood down as prime minister and was replaced by Gordon Brown.

The resulting political deadlock caused investors to take fright, and a flight of capital and gold further de-stabilised the economy. Michael Childs argues that the younger generation had reason to prefer Labour over Liberal political styles. For workers who found it hard to get their shopping due to circumstances such as blackouts, special shopping facilities were set up to get around this problem.

The administration of public assistance was also reformed, with the investigating committees of councillors and co-opted members (which applicants for relief had to appear before under the Municipal reformers) abolished, and in their place full-time adjudicating officers were to interview applicants and take the decisions. The increased radicalisation of Labour councils during this period could be attributed to the policies of the Thatcher Government, which involved reductions in government financial aid to both council housing and local authorities, together with a change in the government's allocation formula so that local authority areas of high expenditure were disproportionately affected. Keir Hardie, who had taken a leading role in getting the party established, was elected as Chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party (in effect, the Leader), although only by one vote over The Labour Party was emerging from the rapidly growing union movement after 1890. The Labour party returned to government with a razor-thin four-seat majority under Wilson in the 1964 election, and increased their majority to 96 in 1966 election. Yet, despite those restraints and the need to transfer resources from domestic expenditure, private and public, to the needs of our export markets, we carried through an expansion in the social services, health, welfare and housing, unparalleled in our history.As noted by one historian, in summing up the reform record of Wilson's government, "In spite of the economic problems encountered by the First Wilson Government and in spite of (and to some degree in response to) the criticisms of its own supporters, Labour presided over a notable expansion of state welfare during its time in office. Despite mainstream Labour Party's support for the war effort, the During the course of the First World War, while serving both inside and outside of government, the Labour Party was able to influence a number of progressive developments in social policy. The British Labour Party grew out of the trade union movement of the late 19th century and surpassed the Liberal Party as the main opposition to the Conservatives in the early 1920s. Fear of advances by the nationalist parties, particularly in Scotland, led to the suppression of a report from Scottish Office economist Gavin McCrone which suggested that an independent Scotland would be 'chronically in surplus' and to secret collusion with The Wilson and Callaghan governments were hampered by their lack of a workable majority in the commons. The history of this article since it was imported to Note: Some restrictions may apply to use of individual images which are separately licensed. Between 1997 and 2009, cash spending on education was doubled, representing a real-terms increase of three-quarters. Following their defeat in 1951 the party underwent a long period in opposition lasting 13 years.

When referendums for Scottish and Welsh devolution were held in March 1979, the Welsh referendum was rejected outright, and the Scottish referendum had a narrow majority in favor but did not reach the threshold of 40 percent support of the electorate, a requirement of the legislation.

The health of the workers has been protected by the maintenance of the factory codes, and by the institution of factory doctors, canteens, and nurseries.

Labour surpassed the Liberal Party as the main opposition to the Conservatives in the early 1920s.

Labour, national and local, has taken its share in civil defence; and in every sphere its activities have done much to improve the provision for the safety and comfort of citizens. The first three years of the government were spent in an ultimately doomed attempt to stave off devaluation of the pound. It is currently the second largest party in the British House of Commons, with 262 out of 650 seats.It forms the Official Opposition.Its last leader was Jeremy Corbyn. It was a government which faced disappointment after disappointment and none greater than the economic restraints in our ability to carry through the social revolution to which we were committed at the speed we would have wished. Labour rebounded mightily in the 2012 local elections, gaining more than 800 seats in England, Scotland, and Wales, mostly at the expense of the Conservatives, and gained seven seats in the election for the European Parliament in May 2014, edging out the Conservatives for second place but finishing behind the United Kingdom Independence Party.

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