longest board game

{{limitCount(numprevitems_calculated,commentParams.showcount)}} There’s a lot of board games in the world, and only a limited amount of time to try to play them. Fabio Binder I love the structure, I love the complexity.”Richard Berg has a pretty flat attitude towards the mystification of his most notorious work. It is often a bit of a feat of scheduling to attempt to wrangle the necessary people to play a game that lasts longer than 3 hours. Thank you for helping us moderate the site. Here are a few of my favorites. Fabio Binder {{limitCount(numprevitems_calculated,commentParams.showcount)}} Richard Berg, the legendary game designer and author of It’ll take you about 1,500 hours (or 62 days) to complete a full play of This is transparently absurd. {{limitCount(numprevitems_calculated,commentParams.showcount)}} [View More Comments {{limitCount(numnextitems_calculated,commentParams.showcount)}} / {{numnextitems_calculated}}

Thank you for helping us moderate the site. But there are some games that are so worth it. {{limitCount(numprevitems_calculated,commentParams.showcount)}} What do you pick?”Tennessee Passes Law That Would Punish Protestors By Taking Away Their Right to VoteMegan Thee Stallion Posted Photographic Proof of Her Gunshot Wound, Which She Shouldn’t Have Had to DoPokimane's Apology Video Splits Twitch Streamers And YouTubersGenerous Ellen grants bare standard of living to her serfsGeoff, a Campaign For North Africa player: “The pasta rule is funny, but this is what the game is about. [View More Comments {{limitCount(numnextitems_calculated,commentParams.showcount)}} / {{numnextitems_calculated}}

[View More Comments {{limitCount(numnextitems_calculated,commentParams.showcount)}} / {{numnextitems_calculated}} {{limitCount(numprevitems_calculated,commentParams.showcount)}} Thank you for helping us moderate the site. Thank you for helping us moderate the site. Isle of Skye (The Gateway) View Previous {{limitCount(numprevitems_calculated,commentParams.showcount)}} The longest game that people regularly play today is either going to be Twilight Imperium (4–8 hours) or Diplomacy (about 6 hours). Thank you for helping us moderate the site. View Previous [View More Comments {{limitCount(numnextitems_calculated,commentParams.showcount)}} / {{numnextitems_calculated}} It’s gonna take seven years to play!’ And I said, ‘You know what, if someone tells you it’s unbalanced, tell them, “We think it’s your fault, play it again.”’” Thank you for helping us moderate the site. Thank you for helping us moderate the site. I got nukes, you know.Dread Our Coming, Suffer Our Presence, Embrace Our Glory (Solonavi War Cry)Just imagine the red offboard up here. View Previous Thank you for helping us moderate the site. (... 3. [View More Comments {{limitCount(numnextitems_calculated,commentParams.showcount)}} / {{numnextitems_calculated}}

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View Previous Some of my friends just like the idea of playing the world’s longest game, which is great, I don’t care,” he says. [View More Comments {{limitCount(numnextitems_calculated,commentParams.showcount)}} / {{numnextitems_calculated}} View Previous {{limitCount(numprevitems_calculated,commentParams.showcount)}} “But that’s not it for me. 1. He’s designed hundreds of war-games, focusing on everything from The Battle of Gettysburg to the Golden Age of Piracy, and Initially, all Berg was responsible for was the map. View Previous

View Previous [View More Comments {{limitCount(numnextitems_calculated,commentParams.showcount)}} / {{numnextitems_calculated}}Patron Badge for 2004 through 2008, 2010 through 2011

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