m19 motor gun carriage

M19 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage seen here during the Korean war, firing at Chinese position on the mountain. The M19 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage was a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun that was used by the United States during World War II.It had a 110 hp Cadillac 44T24 engine that allowed the M19 to reach speeds of up to 35 mph.

The gun mount incorporated a computing sight derived from the M7 Weissight that was used on many towed-mount single Bofors pieces. By the time the M19 arrived, the When it was decided to phase out the M24 Chaffee and other vehicles on the same chassis, the M19 turrets were re-mounted on a M41 Light Tank chassis to produce the A historical photograph of the M19 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage The M19A1 was an improved variant with an auxillary engine and spare barrels for the 40 mm Bofors guns. The series would continue to serve in the post-war world and see service into the 1950s with the United States Army.Cadillac Motor Car Division of General Motors Corporation - USA Standardized in June 1944, the M19 Twin 40mmGun Motor Carriage was an obvious upgrade over the combat proven M15 halftrackseries. Please direct all other inquiries to militaryfactory AT gmail.com. The M19 was developed from the T65 which was based on the M5 light tank chassis. This had been developed for the T16 4.5in Gun Motor Carriage, starting in May 1941. It was accepted into service in May 1944 as the M19 GMC, equipping several U.S. Army anti-aircraft units during World War II. Image: M19 GMC (Military Mash Up) Year: April 1945: Vehicle Type [@type] Origin & Designer [@designer] Numbers Produced: 300: Crew: 6 (Commander, Co-Commander/Gunner, Aimer, Two Loaders & Driver) Main Armament: 2 x 40mm L/56 M2 Guns: Main Armament The M19 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage (MGMC), was a World War II United States Army Self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon on a tank chassis. An M19 Gun Motor Carriage. Changes to the specification mean that the first pilot – the 57 mm Gun Motor Carriage T49 – was built with the British (57 mm) QF 6-pounder gun instead of the 37 mm and a torsion bar suspension instead of the Christie suspension. The M19 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage (MGMC) was a World War II United States Army self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon on the M24 light tank chassis. The M19A1 was an improved variant with an auxiliary engine and spare barrels for the 40 mm Bofors guns.During World War II, the M19 and M19A1 saw action in the The M19 evolved from the 40 mm Gun Motor Carriage T65 project, which was based on an Since the T65 project was fading away, the Armored Force still needed a light anti-aircraft vehicle, so they made a new project (called T65E1) based on the new T24 chassisThe T65E1 was accepted into service as the M19 Gun Motor Carriage in May 1944 with an order for 904 production models,The full order was not completed as the requirements for anti-aircraft weapons had changed and chassis were diverted to produce more of the Chaffee light tank.The M19 MGMC served in Europe in World War II with the U.S. Army. The M19 full-track carriage featured two turret-mounted 40mm Bofors guns on an M24 Chaffee light tank chassis. However, the war in Europe more-or-less ended the following month and the Empire of Japan capitulated in August of that same year, ending the war in the Pacific. 2700 were produced by White Motor Company from May 1943 to March 1944, with 568 M13 MGMCs and 109 T10 half-tracks being converted into M16s as well. All written content, illustrations, and photography are unique to this website (unless where indicated) and not for reuse/reproduction in any form. The M19 was developed from the T65 which was based on the M5 light tank chassis. At the close of WW II, the US Army considered the concept of producing a family of armored vehicles based on a common chassis/powerplant to streamline logistics and support requirements in the field. History.

The M16 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage, also known as the M16 half-track, was an American self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon built during World War II. The M19 was manned by a crew of five, consisting of a squad leader, driver, gun pointer and two cannoneers. Authored By: Staff Writer | Last Edited: The M19 was developed from the T65 which was based on the M5 light tank chassis; intially as the T65E1 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage. The M3 Gun Motor Carriage (GMC) was a United States Army tank destroyer equipped with a 75 mm M1897A4 gun, which was built by the Autocar Company during World War II.. After observing the new and often decisive, uses of armored vehicles on both sides during the French campaign of 1940, the US Army decided that it required a 75 mm self-propelled gun, based on the chassis of the M3 Half-track. However, the war in Europe more-or-less ended the following month and the Empire of Japan capitulated in August of that same year, ending the war in the Pacific.

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