manfred weber ursula von der leyen

As negotiations came to a close earlier this week, a spokesperson for Mr Orban said: “In our unity, the Visegrád Four [central and eastern European countries with populist governments] have again demonstrated our growing strength and influence over the direction of EU.

Die Wahl zur EU-Kommissionspräsidentin hat Ursula von der Leyen gewonnen. Which marks the signing of the Korean War armisticeFederal officers launch tear gas at a group of demonstrators during a Black Lives Matter protest outside the Portland Courthouse Rescue forces in action after an ultralight aircraft crashed into a house in Wesel, Germany Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan (C) and invited guests attending Friday prayers at Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque during the official opening ceremony of Hagia Sophia in IstanbulFederal officers arrest a protester after she crossed a fence line set up around the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. "That's why what we are doing now is the normal procedure that will start based on the Lisbon Treaty. There was a lot of time for doing the job. Start your Independent Premium subscription today.Are you sure you want to mark this comment as inappropriate?Independent Premium Comments can be posted by members of our membership scheme, Independent Premium. {{#replies}} try again, the name must be unique She lives with her family on a farm near Hanover where they also keep horses. More than 250 firefighters, backed by water-dropping aircraft, were struggling Wednesday to contain a large wildfire fanned by strong winds that has forced the evacuation of five settlements in southern GreeceA Black Lives Matter protester carries an American flag as teargas fills the air outside the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse in Portland, OregonA trader decorates a camel with Henna at a cattle market set up for the upcoming Muslim festival Eid al-Adha also called "Festival of the Sacrifice", in RawalpindiThe Milky Way galaxy is seen in the sky above the International Car Forest of the Last Church in Goldfield, Nevada. "EU leaders agreed on Tuesday after a four-day summit to impose a tax on non-recycled plastic and pass the money on to the EU and to have a tax on digital services and on goods important into the EU from countries with lower CO2 emission standards, among others.

order back issues and use the historic Daily Express Courthouse in Portland, Oregon. “Unfortunately it did not become a tradition.”Mr Weber’s candidacy was opposed by both Emmanuel Macron, the centrist French president, and Viktor Orban, the far-right leader of Hungary. In a sitting at the parliament on Thursday, the body’s different political groups from across the spectrum lined up to criticise the process as an undemocratic carve-up.Enter your email to follow new comments on this article.Are you sure you want to mark this comment as inappropriate?Want to discuss real-world problems, be involved in the most engaging discussions and hear from the journalists? try again, the name must be unique

Almost four million people have been hit by monsoon floods in South Asia, with a third of Bangladesh already underwater from some of the heaviest rains in a decadeSecond Republican infantry guard regiment take part in the annual Bastille Day military ceremony on the Place de la Concorde in ParisA man walks his dog through thick sea foam blowing ashore during a storm in Seapoint, Cape Town, South AfricaSecurity forces on the outskirts of Amritsar take part in Van Mahotsav, an annual tree-planting festival in IndiaPeople covered with coloured powder enjoy music during the Holi festival in Minsk, BelarusA demonstrator during clashes following the funeral of 29-year-old Palestinian Ibrahim Abou Yacoub, who was killed by Israeli forces, in the village of Kifl Hares, south of the West Bank city of NablusThe sun rises in Timmendorfer Strand, northern GermanyPortraits of healthcare workers are pasted on the Opera Bastille, designed by Anne-Christine Poujoulat, to pay tribute to caregivers during the Covid-19 pandemic in ParisTengger tribe people make their way to the summit of Mount Bromo volcano to make offerings in Probolinggo, as part of the Yadnya Kasada Festival.

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