master european studies passau

List your programs The University regularly attains top positions in academic rankin These internship(s) will not be arranged for you. Das europäische Politik- und Wirtschaftsgeschehen wird zunehmend komplexer und verwobener wodurch die europäische Gemeinschaft immer weiter zusammenwächst. In this programme, you will be able to set your own study focus by choosing from a wide variety of subjects, including the linguistics of various European languages, media studies, history and sociology, political science, geography, art history, East Central European studies and philosophy.

The Master in European Studies is a bilingual programme taught both in English and French that offers a solid base of knowledge to allow critical reflection on European issues. This topic will be chosen from a subject covered in module group B or C. Throughout the programme you will accumulate 120 ECTS credits in total.To apply, you need a good first university degree in a humanities subject or social science, earned after a standard period of three years' full-time study, with the result of 2.5 or better according to the German marking system (or an equivalent grade in a foreign grading system) or be ranked among the best 50% of your cohort.You will need German language skills at level C1 CEFR or higher to study this degree programme, as that is the main language of instruction for this programme. We have a number of rooms available in our halls of residence as well as several private flats which are available for rent to exchange students.

About the programme. You will also improve your knowledge of a European language.The degree programme is divided into four module groups:The programme concludes with a Master's thesis on a European topic, which you will choose on the basis of a subject area covered in module group B or C. In total, you will acquire 120 Courses and seminars operate on the assumption that students will do a good deal of preparation and follow-up work outside the classroom, with support from the respective lecturers but nevertheless conducted independently.The final grade for the programme is the average mark of all graded modules.There is no formal internship requirement for this degree programme. Use our website to find information about degrees and career paths from around the world and speak directly with admissions officers at the schools and universities that interest you. Schwerpunkte im Masterstudium European Studies. Kitchen and bathroom facilities are usually shared, although some rooms have en-suite bathroom facilities.On average, a room on the open housing market costs in the vicinity of The university provides advice on job hunting, jobs and career-entry positions at German and international companies, here and abroad. Bachelor/Master European Studies Bachelor-Studiengang European Studies Studierende des Studiengangs "European Studies" können Geographie als Europäisches Schwerpunktmodul (6 Module) oder Erweiterungsmodul (2 bzw. The programme also prepares you for a research role in such organisations. Please fill out a short questionnaire. You will also improve your foreign language skills in a European language.Graduates from the M.A. You will be able to set your own study focus by choosing from a wide variety of subjects, including a number of European linguistic subjects and media studies, history, sociology, political science, geography, art history, East Central European studies and philosophy. Studien- und Prüfungsordnung (StuPO 2015) Modulkatalog (StuPO 2015) Text- und Kultursemiotik (M.A.) To achieve the desired outcome, you must demonstrate a high level of independent thinking, determination and dedication, not only in your job but during your studies.

Russian and East Central European Studies (M.A.) Insgesamt wurde das Studium bisher 7 Mal bewertet. However, the university can help you with information and hands-on advice. International students enrolled in the MA European Studies programmePartnerships with universities throughout the world

... List your programs 33 • Passau

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master european studies passau