Product PU description Quantity Price Stock ; Total price : € 0,00 107796 1000: 1: 50001A Mathews Repair Kit Bow
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Warranty repairs are our top priority, so please review the our policy below, and consult your nearest Authorized Mathews Retailer if your bow needs repair.To activate your warranty, your bow must be registered within 1 year of purchase. Designed for: Mathews Halon series, TRG series, TRX series, Triax, Vertix, Traverse, TX-5, VXR 28", and VXR 31.5" Kit includes: Set 1 (reference lines close to the shoulder of the spacer) has 2- .140" and 2 .035" spacers; Set 2 (reference lines in the middle of the spacer)has 2- .120" and 2 .055" spacers Cart . Account; Cart 0. Authorized Mathews® Retailers may charge for warranty work performed.Note: Mathews reserves the right to make substitutions on warranty coverage for any reason, including but not limited to available parts or custom color/camo pattern. Experienced and passionate about providing excellent distribution from manufacturers to dealers, To activate your warranty, your bow must be registered within 1 year of purchase. S Mathews Archery. VXR ™ 28; VXR ™ 31.5; Vertix ™ Traverse ™ TX-5 ™ Tactic ™ Stoke ® Monster ® Safari; Competition. Product Code
Hunting. Many of our retailers register it for you at the time of purchase, but you can also register it here at any time.
Please note: Authorized Retailers may charge for service work that accompanies warranty fulfillment.Your Mathews® bow is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship to the original registered owner when purchased at an Authorized Retailer, for the life of the original owner. Mathews Archery. (Suggested retail price No products in the cart.
worldwide S 2020 Proving ground. We will check if this bow can be built out of the components that we have in stock.
If your bow needs repair and you do not have a local retailer, or don’t know how to get in touch with them, please use our retailer locator and contact them immediately to get your claim in motion.Working directly with the expert bow technicians at our independent retailers ensures both the quality and speed to which your claim is resolved. JVD Archery is a world leading, trustworthy distribution partner for the archery industry. For more information click )An email will be sent to JVD.
Any and all warranties, written or implied, are void with any alterations to the bow including cosmetic refinishing.Mathews Archery, Inc. shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the performance and use of the products, even if Mathews Archery, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Account; Cart 0. Elevate your archery experience with premium compound bows, accessories, apparel and branded goods, as well as recipes, videos and expert tips from the field.
Your Authorized Mathews® Retailer will contact a Mathews® Warranty Technician on your behalf. Watch now . All warranty claims are processed through an Authorized Mathews® Retailer. Bows. 107796-1000 Each bow has a unique serial number, which will be required, along with the original owner’s first and last name.We work directly with our retailers on all warranty claims. * = Limited Lifetime Warranty to the Original OwnerMathews bows are covered by one or more of the following patents, with other patents pending: #5592929, #5676123, #5752496, #5809982, #5996567, #6035840, #6039035, #6237582, #6247466, #6257219, #6257220, #6267108, #6321736, #6382201, #6446619, #6651643, #6886549, #RE42842, #7182079, #7231915, #7334575, #7434574, #7438069, #7946281, #7987842, #8020544, #8047189, #8402960, #8408192, #8408193, #8408195, #8443791, #8448630, #8448633, #8453635, #8505526, #8522762, #8528534, #8596256, #8616189, #8622052, #8627810, #8671929, #8683989, #D628669, #D628670, #D637256, #D637255, #D637257, #D639888, #D637679, #D650036, #D661363, #D664231, #D665867, #D665867, #D697574, #D701933© Copyright 2018 Mathews Archery Inc. All rights reserved.
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mathews repair kit bow