Les saints ottoniens. Schon mit elf Jahren übernimmt Mathilde, Tochter Ottos des Großen, das Stift von Quedlinburg. Band 20. Untersuchungen zu den Lebensbeschreibungen der Königin Mathilde. (English Wikipedia says that a cabal of royal advisors accused her of weakening the royal treasury in order to pay for her charitable activities.) (English Wikipedia notes that the details of St. Mathilde's life come largely from brief mentions in the Res gestae saxonicae sive annalium libri tres of the monastic historian Widukind of Corvey, and from two sacred biographies - the Vita antiquior and the Vita posterior - written, respectively circa 974 and 1003.Matilda, daughter of the Graf von Westphalia Dietrich (a descendant of Saxon hero Widukind - c.730-807) and his wife Reginlind (or Reinhild). She visited and comforted the sick and the afflicted, instructed the ignorant, succored prisoners, and endeavored to convert sinners, and her husband concurred with her in her pious undertakings. Mathilde wurde in der Krypta der Stiftskirche St. Servatius in Quedlinburg neben ihrem Mann bestattet. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 67. Diese war die erste Äbtissin des Quedlinburger Stiftes. Saint Mathilda (or Matilda, c. 895 – 14 March 968) was the wife of King Henry I of Germany, the first ruler of the Saxon Ottonian (or Liudolfing) dynasty, thereby Duchess (consort) of Saxony from 912 and Queen (consort) of Germany (East Francia) from 919 until her husband's death in 936. Matilda".
Ze werd opgevoed door haar grootmoeder Mathildis, de abdis van het klooster van Herford en trouwde in 909 met Hendrik I te Walhausen, dat haar gepresenteerd werd als bruidsschat.1. 922 Erste schriftliche Erwähnung Quedlinburgs in einer Urkunde König Heinrichs I. 5. In the contest between her two sons, Otho and Henry, for the crown which was elective, the Queen favored the former, a fault she expiated by great suffering, for both these sons subjected her to a long and cruel persecution. März 968 in Quedlinburg) aus der Familie der Immedinger war die Gemahlin König Heinrichs I.Mathilde, Tochter des sächsischen Grafen Dietrich, eines Nachkommen Widukinds, und der Reginlind, wurde erzogen im Kloster ihrer Großmutter in Herford. St. Mathilda founded many religious institutions, including the canonry of Quedlinburg, Saxony-Anhalt, a center of Ottonian ecclesiastical and secular life and the burial place of St. Mathilda and her husband, and the convent of Nordhausen, Thuringia, likely the source of at least one of her vitae. 966 zur Äbtissin von Quedlinburg geweiht. New York: Robert Appleton Company. King Heinrich & his second wife had five children: The number and names of these children appear definitive (apart from any who died in infancy) as shown by a list of names in the Libri Confraternitatum Sancti Galli which sets out (in order) "Heinrich, Mathilt, Otto, Heinrich, Prun, Kerbrich, Adawi, Kysilbref", no doubt referring to King Heinrich, his wife, children and son-in-law[169]. Königin Mathilde, Gemahlin Heinrichs I (895/96-968). 3. Hun døde den 14. mars 968 i Quedlinburg.
Mathilda was celebrated for her devotion to prayer and almsgiving; her first biographer depicted her (in a passage indebted to the sixth-century vita of the Frankish queen Radegund by Venantius Fortunatus) leaving her husband's side in the middle of the night and sneaking off to church to pray. Mathilde founded several spiritual institutions and women's convents. vertraute ihr während seines zweiten Italienzugs im Jahre 997 sogar die Stellvertretung im Reich an.
In matters of succession, she apparently preferred her son Heinrich over Otto, which led to such a strong disagreement that for some time she was confined to Enger/Herford. In: Karl R. Schnith (Hrsg. Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. Da Otto IIs sønn Otto III døde barnløs i 1002, ble Henrik av Bayerns sønn, den hellige Henrik II, tysk konge og senere keiser.Den siste familie samlingen fant sted i Köln påsken 965. St. Mathilda's feast day is on March 14.Duchess consort of Saxony (30 November 912 – 2 July 936)Widukind, Res gestae Saxonicae, ed. Nach ihrem Tod wurde sie an der Seite ihrer Großmutter in der Mathilde von Quedlinburg zeichnete sich nicht nur durch ihre Fähigkeiten als Herrscherin des Reiches aus, sondern ihr wird auch die Fürsorge für die Toten-Memoria der Ottonen nachgesagt.
No sooner had he expired than she had a Mass offered up for the repose of his soul, and from that moment she renounced all worldly pomp. Germ. Mathilde ble gravlagt i domkirken i Quedlinburg ved siden av sin mann og hadde stort ry for godhet blant folket. Auflage. Zwei Lebensbeschreibungen entstanden wohl 974 in Nordhausen auf Wunsch von Otto I. und um 1002 für König Heinrich II.. Of her three sons, Otho afterward became Emperor, Henry was Duke of Bavaria, and St. Bruno edified the Church as Archbishop of Cologne.
Mathilda was the daughter of the Westphalian count Dietrich and his wife Reinhild, and her biographers traced her ancestry back to the famed Saxon hero, Blessed Widukind (c. 730 - 807).
They were married in 909 and had three sons and two daughters:Hadwig, wife of the West Frankish duke Hugh the Great Gerberga, wife of (1) Duke Giselbert of Lotharingia and (2) King Louis IV of France After Henry the Fowler's death in 936, St. Mathilda remained at the court of her son Otto, until a cabal of royal advisors is reported to have accused her of weakening the royal treasury in order to pay for her charitable activities. Die Verwandten der Ottonen und ihre Bedeutung in der Politik.
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mathilda von quedlinburg