Youtuber Dream has created a new Minecraft 1.15 Speedrun World Record. “If you asked me to choose between Random and Set seed, I wouldn’t because, honestly, I enjoy them both,” explains Illumina1337.
The second thing on the list is to make a crafting table to make a wooden pickaxe to mine stones.For survival, basic requirements are food and shelter… Talking about shelter, just ignore it if you are ready to set a record.With all the crashes, failures, and plain old bad luck, it would probably take the average Minecrafter – for some – it takes lots and lots of hours to defeat the game.But what if I told you someone broke made a record to defeat the game in less than an hour on a completely random seed…Most of you might know him, especially those who spend time on YouTube searching Minecraft speedrun and world records.This Minecraft 1.15 Speedrun world record goes to “DREAM”, one of the famous Minecraft YouTuber known for his efforts in speedrun and challenges.He defeated the game on a completely random seed, without using glitches and one of the most insane things is, he broke the record on the latest version of Minecraft i.e. Any category you see, add Right now, Sizzler’s world record is 2 minutes and 31 seconds, but the Minecraft community is always looking for ways to bring that time down.“Speedrunning Minecraft is actually pretty easy.
He also found his first enderman right in the cave. And he also got his first ender pearl form from the same enderman.He smelted his iron saving every bit of coal. Random Seed Glitched is a great place to start.”And you don’t have to just complete the game. The complex art of playing Minecraft fast - explained! Minecraft +1.9 Any% Random Seed Glitchless Duo - 26:02 by IlluminaHD and Fruitberries (World Record) (Also beats the non-duo world record by one second)
Random seed, no glitches, get one piece of ancient debris as fast as possible (must be done in 1.16). After defeating the golem, He headed back on the way to the water source where he found some gravel (for flint) and crafted a bucket to collect water in need of emergency.While heading back to the trail, He was so fortunate that he found a desert temple right next to the place where he collected water. Speedrunners practice for hours and hours in service to shaving milliseconds off their time or finding newer, faster ways to beat the game. For example, in a video of IlluminaHD entitled [World Record] Minecraft Beaten in 4:56.70 | Set Seed Glitches, he uses seed 4929216164286115443 and the difficulty is easy. Too long if you think about all the stuff you do to get from point of staring to point the end:Here is what every player will do after loading into the game.As obvious every player needs to punch a tree to acquire wood, whether you’re playing normal survival or doing a speedrun to set a world record.
Watch my speedruns live at, and check out the rest of my Youtube videos for more speedrun world records past and present.
This is not a decision they came to quickly. For the category Set Seed Glitchless, finding a world with a stronghold whose portal frame has 11 out of the 12 eyes of Ender already filled is a priority.”“If you asked me to choose between Random and Set seed, I wouldn’t because, honestly, I enjoy them both,” explains Illumina1337. Guide on how to Download and Install Minecraft Updates.We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The current world record for Random Seed is 9 minutes 52 seconds held by Illumina1337. 1.15!! “Random Seed, while it has a lot of unpredictable elements to it, definitely takes more skill because you need to have a knack for how the game generates and operates. He grabbed up some milk from the nearby cow which helped him to overcome the slowness effect. He continued collecting ender pearls as much as he could.He crafted some eye of ender on the way and started his search for the stronghold… praying it not to be a zero eye portal frame. Minecraft series. But I think if you were to ask me to choose between Glitched or Glitchless, I would have to definitely say Glitchless. Now TheeSizzler says you need to "pick them up, close the game window, open it again, then your items should be duplicated."
Find a category that’s interesting to you and give it a go. Minecraft 1.15 Speedrun World Record. To combat this randomness, speedrunners play the game on what’s called a “For different categories there are different requirements for a speedrun-able seed. !According to him, He had a lot of fun, but also a lot of headaches when trying to beat this record. There are many different categories outside the ones we highlighted here. Seeds are special codes you can input into Minecraft to get the world to generate a specific way. But, enchantments“How to Make a Water Elevator in Minecraft?” is a very peculiar question to stumble upon.
First, meet “I’m 17 years old and I’ve been playing Minecraft for about five years now,” Geosquare tells me. He mined some iron and coal using TNT’s, which was again a good move to save time.He collected some iron as much as possible while fighting with those creepy mobs.
without wasting time he started to search for blaze spawner… as soon he found one, just for his sake he looted 19 blaze rods from blazes.He also marked his way by placing cobblestones on the roof of the castle corridor.
Pretty long if you think about all the stuff you have to do to get from point A to to point End:With all the mishaps, setbacks, and plain old bad luck it’ll probably take the average Minecrafter - so me - hours, lots and lots of hours, to beat the game.But what if I told you that for not-so-average players - so not me - the time it takes for them to beat the game: Speedrunning is when a gamer - either through optimized gameplay techniques or through the exploitation of glitches - completes a game as fast as possible. How long do you think it takes to complete a game of Minecraft and set a world record? And why?I had the pleasure of chatting with some of the Usain Bolts of the Minecraft world, players who hold world records across several speedrunning categories. He lighted it and made his way to nether.
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