motion design trends 2020

These illustrated GIFs from These would make you stop scrolling or want to learn more about what each was trying to say. And hopefully, make it pop on the white backgrounds of the many social media sites. This was in an attempt to create a very clean and controlled design scheme. You can match the heavy fonts with a powerful or inspiring message for double the impact:Now, I know that most of the examples above have all been sans-serif but not all heavy fonts have to be. There are a ton of weights for fonts, ranging from thin to regular to bold, with a few steps in between each as well. And trendy lifestyle brands are taking notice. started doing this a few years ago in all facets of their design but they were one of only a few. This shift continues to push back against the overly edited, posed, and produced stock photos that some companies still use. So why not use them!Gradients are one of my favorite things to add to any design project to give it a little more depth. For example, the vivid colors previously used by Apple in their marketing, and even the new iPhone colors, have been replaced by more muted tones.As you can see, these muted colors make the product feel a lot more modern and current. Or worse, intense drop shadows. If the designers would have gone with a thin or light font, readers probably would have scrolled right past it.As you can see, these heavy fonts can make short phrases feel a lot more powerful. When you are a massive company like Dropbox that needs to appeal to almost every industry, this kind of flexibility is ideal.I also think that this change really reflects their growth as a company from a free place to store your school paper, to something that connects the creatives of the world.It’s almost like night and day. Such animations often shine out with a slight feeling of retro and nostalgia.Lines perform many functions in the video. This can be a huge deal for a lot of SEO-focused companies! took a similar approach this year.

One of my favorite examples of this would have to be Wired. Because they do it so well, you can quickly spot a Bleacher Report article or Tweet out in the world., who have taken to using more non-traditional colors in their magazine cover designs to entice readers.Like Bleacher Report, they’re also using bright and bold colors to stand out in a very competitive space: print journalism.

By a mile.How do I know this? Now, instead of following those rules, designers are making their own. This shows how much it is trending and how much people love it. Like Some of our most popular fonts on Venngage are bold Google Fonts, like Roboto from above or Open Sans. Some companies are already doing it and have been for a while, like the music wizards over at .

But as you can see, the card feels a lot more professional, modern, and reserved by avoiding those loud colors. ad below, would be very popular going forward. Each of those trends is the opposite of what minimalism is at its core.Despite that, this year, some of those more complex graphic design trends are going to mix with traditional minimalism to create a new type of minimalism. this year is a solid example of a large brand embracing this idea:They could have taken the boring route that so many brands take and just refresh their typeface or logo. Motion design can be described as a source of huge inspiration and deep admiration. Using reaction GIFs and such are great to send on Slack or Tweet to your friends.

Last year was all about taking risks in graphic design. uses the bold font only for their header, and then a regular font for the paragraph text:SMLXL only uses their extra heavy font for short phrases or ideas:This measured use of bold text not only directs the reader to where they should look first, it also doesn’t overwhelm them with heavy fonts.They can also become the main focal points of a graphic as well. Kinda like what All this with a simple gradient, a design trick the internet loves to hate. It's getting famous due to its unreal effects and superior quality. Instead of just filling an open space on your blog or social media feed!For instance, compared to the example above, these photos would work much better in a tech-focused blog article:Like I said previously, these photos depict a real scene that you could put yourself into. After years of loud color palettes, these muted colors can be used by brands to signal a move towards the future. But in 2020, we are going to see designers and brands take a step back from those vivid colors towards more Muted colors have been slightly desaturated with black, white or a complementary color. It’s seen as the rejection of complicated and cluttered ideas.Many people have interpreted that as using only muted and neutral color palettes. And like last year, once Apple starts doing something, the design world follows.One final thing that I want to touch on in this section is that muted colors can make your designs feel a lot more natural. It has become part of their brand now and is easily recognizable.Plus, it puts the user at ease, appeals to the child in all of us, and makes the product seem more accessible. We can say the same about colors.

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motion design trends 2020