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He has a little money. 1.1 Before Nouns. positive sentence → a lot of + countable or uncountable noun|in a more formal sentence positive sentence → a lot of + countable or uncountable noun|in a more formal sentence positive sentence → a lot of + countable or uncountable noun|in a more formal sentence television: uncountable noun, negative sentence → muchtime: uncountable noun, positive sentence → as muchflowers: countable nouns, positive sentences → a lot of|in a more formal sentence stuff: uncaountable noun, positive sentence → a lot of|in a more formal sentence Many & much * for elementary level * 3 tasks * with... By Zsuzsapszi I have got a lotlots ofmany money. I’ve seen few Russian films.
much or many in English Grammar - Online exercise - Reference. We use much with uncountable nouns (water, coffee, money, time etc. Practice the use of much, many and a lot of. 20,448 Downloads Quantifiers a lot of many much a little a few How much money have you got? GrammarBank.com GrammarBank PDF eBooks Click Here Free online grammar exercises with answers--How Much vs How Many-- Complete the sentences with the appropriate options. << /Filter /FlateDecode /S 72 /Length 93 >> x�cbd`�g`b``8 "�dA$�1Xd5�-"9Y@�2;��_ "�n��w��P)�ʩ@�Qr:��������B�9��#� i They said, "It's nice To eat so much rice And so many chocolate bars!" 2417. endobj %���� stream Choose the right answer: MUCH, MANY, A LOT, A LOT OF, LOTS: They eat mucha lot ofa lotlots cookies. It contains some grammar explanation and five exercises. E. He’s got few friends. Use much or many from the drop down menu. 12 0 obj Much and Many. H. He’s got some money.
Task No. Much, many, a lot of | Exercise with answers Click here to download this printable exercise in PDF. Do […]
�NP��[�=�\��=�q�lV�]�B1n�[m㝻`�]�I`�*o��.��� �&�R�"� endobj Thanks wunder3 for her template. "&�ƂO�v�k��E�I���/�I����u'$�o䅸�n��Y����������+h�9����$����֨=�>n6�O 8 0 obj F. There aren’t many good restaurants here. << /Pages 24 0 R /Type /Catalog >> Complete the sentences with much, many or a lot of.These sentences are informal. ; How many people were at the party?
stream I watched a lotlotsmanymuch movies last week. with short grammar guide. 7. 9 0 obj �C{�6794��xJ=�J�1��G4)�h�i�X Xk� Q]dF�xYl��Beg��ʸ�Y^L6�\�Z��@�d�2a�.�ͬ�a@s\�\H�\�R:��U�0q�%�U�7�'d��տ�+�iݍ�Ҋ��5i���%�g�i�� N-���YP�K��O���z��`�_I�#�I��/���� television: uncountable noun, negative sentence → much; How languages can you speak? ���'��Jtaԇ���-Q��Lznd�Ϋ�$n���S�H7�I�>���2��L�P���������.�q�T 9��g�e���|a��k��������=��]�f��1��T��q�O��Y��c,�ւ,|W��f�����ҳ�g��B�
Answers are at the bottom of the page.
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