Talk to your alliance leaders, and have them purchase a guild account! This includes the following:If desired, you may request other information from the seller.
We will then quickly and discreetly inspect and document select properties of the game account before passing on the game account information to you.Once you receive the game account information, you will be given time to complete the verification of the game account, finalize the game account ownership transfer, and confirm the delivery of the game account to PlayerAuctions.For Game Account transactions, the Seller will send the Game Account’s information to PlayerAuctions for verification purposes.
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Then return here and refresh you balance.Sorry, but we cannot access your COD Points at this time. By continuing to use our website for your gaming needs, you are consenting to use such cookies ACCOUNTS seller with indicated If there are no issues, PlayerAuctions will then deliver the account login details to the buyer via email within 24 hours (but usually this happens much faster.What if the delivered game account does not match the seller’s description in their For Sale Offer?If a game account is ever not described properly by the seller, you may choose to keep it and negotiate with the seller for a lower price through our Dispute Resolution System, or you may return the undamaged game account for a hassle-free and guaranteed refund from PlayerAuctions.How am I fully protected from the seller ever reclaiming my purchased game account?All game accounts purchased by Verified members and above through PlayerAuctions are guaranteed after sale support. No matter what Level, Races, Classes, and Mounts & Titles you desire, we always have the best deals. ACCOUNTS seller with indicated Series Quantity The game uses a standard health points system, with a limited amount of health reflected by a health bar. You will be the first owner. Quantity
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