On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama became the first African American to be elected President of the United States, sparking many celebrations in the United States and around the world. November 4, 2008 Read More; Barack Obama 2008 Web Site. The candidate also promised to solve many long-term economic problems, like the high cost of health care, U.S. dependence on foreign oil, and the stimulation of more technology and innovation. The noontime audience at the Fifth Third Arena at the University of Cincinnati was estimated at 13,000. "Some of the people who set up the rules apparently didn't think we'd be as competitive as we were and trying to change them last minute", he said.On January 17, a federal judge ruled that the casino at-large caucus plan could go ahead. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. The gun control people and the right to bear arms people are That Obama's comments in San Francisco made wide media play but not the ones he spoke in Silicon Valley became a source of speculation about the media and its political coverage.The last big event in the final week of the campaign was the April 16 debate on ABC-TV. On March 4, 2008, Harper initially denied that Brodie was a source of the leak—but he appeared to be referring to a diplomatic memo that described the key conversation between an adviser to Obama and Canada's consul-general in Chicago, Georges Rioux. Obama's vice presidential running mate had been a subject of speculation since the end of the primaries. $3.00. "America's Youth "After weeks of discourse surrounding the policy, Obama said there was "misreporting" of his comments, stating that, "I never called for an invasion of Pakistan or Afghanistan." He added that McCain once opposed what Obama called the "irresponsible" After Obama's win in Mississippi on March 11, 2008, the campaign turned its attention to Pennsylvania. But the inner city is different, and we should tighten the laws on gun purchases and close the loopholes in gun show sales to unscrupulous buyers. Activity and Political Awareness in 14-to-22-Year-Olds." According to A little woman, about 5'3", 65 years old, in a big church hat, with big glasses, she’s smiling right at me. The popular vote percentage was the best showing for any presidential candidate since George H.W. "On September 4, 2008, the Obama campaign announced they raised $10 million in the 24-hour period after Republican Vice Presidential nominee On October 19, 2008, Obama's campaign announced a record fundraising total of $150 million for September 2008. This exceeded the campaign's single-month record ($66 million) for August 2008.The campaign raised much of its cash in small donations over the internet, with about half of its intake coming in increments of less than $200.Obama's campaign is notable for its extensive use of a Obama's campaign used the slogan "Change we can believe in" and the "The integration of technology into the process of field organizing … is the success of the Obama campaign," says Sanford Dickert, who worked as Obama's campaign was further strengthened by his opponent All of his policies were made available online, and updates were sent to the subscribers of his political party via In early 2007, the Obama campaign launched a social-networking site called my.barackobama.com, or MyBO for short, and recruited 24-year-old The nationwide community provided useful and effective tools, such as the Neighbor-to-Neighbor tool, allowing supporters to reach a large number of people in a short time in their own community, which in turn led to campaign rallying for more Obama support. Obama’s final campaign speech of 2008. Speaking about small-town Pennsylvania at a private April 6 fundraising event in Kentfield, CA, a small suburb of San Francisco located in neighboring Marin County, his remarks would be widely criticized after they were reported: All of the candidates barnstormed in New Hampshire during the four days after the Iowa caucuses, targeting undecided and independent voters in the state.In what has been called the "Yes We Can" speech, Obama acknowledged that he faced a fight for the nomination and that "nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change".Meanwhile, Internet theories arose about how the vote counting itself had been suspect, due to discrepancies between machine-counted votes (which supported Clinton overall) and hand-counted votes (which supported Obama overall).Before the caucus, comments made by Obama concerning former Republican president One day after the Culinary Workers Union endorsed Obama, the Nevada State Education Association—a teachers' union that while not officially endorsing Clinton, had top officials who did—filed a lawsuit seeking to eliminate at-large caucus sites that had been set up in nine Las Vegas resorts, saying they violated equal protection and one-person-one-vote requirements. The 2008 presidential campaign of Barack Obama, then junior United States Senator from Illinois, was announced on February 10, 2007, in Springfield, Illinois. By the general election the campaign committee raised more than $650 million for itself, and coordinated with both the Post-election fundraising continued for the separate transition administration, called the On June 19, Obama was the first major-party presidential candidate to turn down public financing for a general election campaign since the system was created in the aftermath of By rejecting the funds in favor of private donations, the campaign was in a position to outspend John McCain prior to the election. One such position is Obama's stance on health care. This was seen as a win for Obama because of the Culinary Workers Union endorsement.Clinton finished first in the state delegate count on January 19, winning 51 percent of delegates to the state convention.On January 23, the Obama campaign filed an official letter of complaint with the Issues of race came to the forefront as campaigning began for the Around the same time, Hillary Clinton said regarding In part, the tension resulted from the historical coincidence of the first viable African American presidential candidate and the first viable woman candidate, running against each other in the same nomination race.On January 26, Obama won the South Carolina primary by a more than two-to-one margin over Clinton, gaining 55 percent of the vote to her 27 percent and Edwards' 18 percent.After his win in South Carolina, Obama received the endorsement of On February 18, Michelle Obama attracted criticism when during a campaign speech in Obama and Clinton were in a statistical dead heat in Texas, according to a poll released February 25, 2008.On February 25, 2008, during the hotly contested primaries in Texas and Ohio, Obama appeared at rallies in both Cincinnati and—for the first time in his career—in Dayton, Ohio.
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obama election campaign 2008