Oblast means region in English. On November 27, 1939, Volyn Oblast of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was formed.June 22, 1941, this territory was one of the first attacked by Germany. The region, the largest in Ukraine by area, is approximately the size of Belgium. The management center is Sumi with a chemical industry. It ceased to exist after the complete division of its territories in 1392. області/oblasti; Bezirke, wörtl. The Volun Oblast was formerly part of the Volyn region. The settlements outside Poltava and Kremenchung, which are the headquarters of the administrative unit, are generally small farming towns. The length of coastline reaches 300 km, while the state border stretches for 1,200 km. The surface area is 20,144 km² and the population is 1,036,891.The surface area is 27.180 km² and the population is 1.877.200.It is an oblast in the central part of Ukraine. The population is 3,476,200. Winters are mild and summers are warm.
Hence, highlighted Taiwan is also hatched grey/red. The surface area is 8,097 km² and the population is 904,423.The area of the land extending from the peak line of the Carpathians to the Dinyester River is 13,900 km².
For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Sassyksee (Oblast Odessa) . During the occupation, about 165,000 residents of the region were killed, more than 20,000 people were moved to Germany for forced labor. Aggravated relations with the Golden Horde (the principality was its vassal) was one of them. The administrative center is the city of Dnipropetrovsk.
Volhynia became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.After the creation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (the Union of Lublin of 1569), Volhynia passed into the possession of Poland, Volhynia Voivodeship was formed. In many parts of Poltava there are natural gas and oil deposits. The population is 3,476,200.During the Soviet Union period, the administrative unit formed in 1938 under the name Stalino had a surface area of 26,517 km². Ukraine is an Eastern European country that shares borders with Romania, Moldova, Russia, Slovakia, Belarus, Poland, and Hungary. km. Its surface area is 26.684 km² and the population is 2.409.000.Located in the western part of Ukraine, Lviv extends from the peak line of the Carpathian Mountains to the Bug River basin and covers the Upper Dinyester River valley and the Roztocze Plateau between these two regions. On the same day, 15 new positive COVID-19 tests were confirmed across Ukraine: Chernivtsi Oblast (10 additional cases), Lviv Oblast (a 59-year-old doctor who had come back from Germany), Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (one case), Kharkiv Oblast (first case), Kiev Oblast (one case), Ternopil Oblast (first case).
broad red stripes vs. narrow red stripes).
Ethno-festivals, crafts exhibitions, knightly tournaments are held in this region of Ukraine.There are 495 monuments of architecture and urban planning (of which 200 are of national importance), 149 monuments of archeology (16), 1,282 historical monuments (7), 35 monuments of monumental art (1). L'oblast est une collectivité territoriale ukrainienne. In the southwestern part, there are deposits of coal (the Lviv-Volyn coal basin). However, the map differentiates wether the disputed area is controlled by Morocco or not. Die Ukraineist in 24 Oblaste(ukrобласть/oblast, Pl. Kiëf-oblast; Usage on ba.wikipedia.org Киев өлкәһе ; Usage on be-tarask.wikipedia.org Кіеўская вобласьць; Usage on bg.wikipedia.org Киевска област; Usage on de.wikipedia.org Liste der Oblaste der Ukraine; Usage on de.wikivoyage.org Oblast Kiew; Usage on eo.wikinews.org Kategorio:Kieva provinco; Usage on es.wikipedia.org Categoría:Óblast de Kiev; Usage In the 1950s, coal mining began in the region. „Gebiete“), eine Autonome Republik (ukrАвтономна Республіка/Awtonomna Respublika) und zwei Städte (ukrмісто/misto, Pl. Cherna in Zakarpattia Oblast is located in Ukraine about 367 mi (or 590 km) south-west of Kiev, the country's capital town. The population is 1,367,892.The surface area is 29,832 km² and the population is 1,328,158.It spreads over an area of 28.900 km² on both sides of the Middle Dinyeper River; most of it remains in the western part of the river. India claims some northern areas (hatched) while other areas are controlled by India but challenged by other countries. All rights reserved.
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oblast in der ukraine