omar alexandria library

Perhaps There were also several format shifts in late antiquity that resulted in a significant loss of texts. The range and the detail of his work prove that he had access to plentiful sources of information fifty years after the conquest. Finally, the silence that prevails among fifth and sixth century writers reigns also after the conquest. John Philoponus, was dead long before the Saracens invaded Egypt; (5) the Serapeum Library either was removed prior to the year 391, or was then dispersed or destroyed, so that in any case it disappeared two and a half centuries before the conquest; (5) that fifth, sixth, and early seventh century literature contains no mention of the existence of any such Library; (6) that if, nevertheless, it had existed when Cyrus set his hand to the treaty surrendering Alexandria, yet the books would almost certainly have been removed—under the clause permitting the removal of valuables—during the eleven months’ armistice which intervened between the signature of the con- vention and the actual entry of the Arabs into the city; and (7) that if the Library had been removed, or if it had been destroyed, the almost contemporary historian and man of letters, John of Nikiou, could not have passed over its disappearance in total silence.

During all this period the sea was open, and the passage to Constantinople and other ports was absolutely unhindered. Destroy them therefore.’ ‘Amr ordered the books to be sent as fuel to the baths of Alexandria, and it took six months to use them up. The head librarian at the time, Aristarchos of Samothrake, a world-renowned literary scholar, fled to the island of Kypros and Ptolemy VIII replaced him with one of his bodyguards, a spearman by the name of Kydas who, as far as we know, did not know the first things about running a library.From 145 BC onwards, the history of the Library of Alexandria is one of inadequate funding and patronage, persistent mismanagement, and general decline. You are reduced to taking the worms and moths into your confidence; their activity is your sole clue to the value of a book; as to the accuracy and fidelity of the copyist, that is quite beyond you.”Clearly, wealthy people in ancient times had a hobby of collecting scrolls. These reports were written at a time that was distant from the conquest of Egypt and the time of Amr Ibn al-As.

The Museum was a shrine of the Muses modeled after the Lyceum of Aristotle in Athens.

It is worth noting that not a single one of the large public libraries of classical antiquity survived intact past the Early Middle Ages. 5. As Butler pointed out, Social Conditions: Christians And Jews In Early Period Of Islam The dazzling impression that the size and splendour of Alexandria made on Arabs and the potential danger it posed to an absolute faith are revealed by Ibn Duqmaq, who cited Abd al-Malik Ibn Juraij as claiming that, although he had made the pilgrimage to Mecca sixty times, ‘if God had suffered me to stay a month at Alexandria and pray on its shores, that month would be dearer to me than the sixty pilgrimages which I have undertaken.’ In Ibn Duqmaq’s own experience, ‘if a man make a pilgrimage around Alexandria in the morning, God will make for him a golden crown set with pearls, perfumed with musk and camphor and shining from the east to the west.’ In contrast to the classical tradition, which attributed the destruction of the Ptolemaic library to accident, Arab historians Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi, Ibn al-Qifti, and Abu al-Faraj credited the dashing Muslim general Amr with its deliberate ruin during the Arab conquest of Egypt in A.D. 642. So when you conquer it, “Omar, the Commander of the Faithful, told me that he heard the Apostle of God say: ‘God will open Egypt to you after my death.

She was a scholar who lived in Alexandria, but she never worked at the famous library that once existed in that city.

Furthermore, the story is probably a canard invented by Christians to make Muslims look bad.

While the Library of Alexandria likely did exist, archaeologists haven’t been able to find any artifacts directly connected to the site.

These facts condemning Omar were written by Bishop Gregory Bar Hebræus, a Christian who spent a great deal of time writing about Moslem atrocities without much historical documentation.So who did burn the Library of Alexandria? For instance, Mark Antony was supposed to have given Cleopatra over 200,000 scrolls for the Library long after Julius Caesar is accused of burning it.It is also quite likely that even if the Museum was destroyed with the main library the outlying "daughter" library at the Temple of Serapis continued on.

The hub of intellectual and cultural life for about a thousand years and the proud possessor of some of the best monuments of antiquity. The suspects respectively are a Roman, a Christian and a Moslem - Julius Caesar, Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria and Caliph Omar of Damascus.

A diaspora of Alexandrian scholarship occurred, in which scholars dispersed first throughout the eastern Mediterranean and later throughout the western Mediterranean as well. And this is an interesting topic because so often we say that those who fail to understand their history are doomed to repeat it.

Listen to this story and wonder!” Barhebraeus merely followed the text of Ibn al-Qifti, omitting his final observation on the number of baths. Scholars, however, continued to frequent the Museum, at least until 216 a.d., when Caracalla suppressed the common hall. The total lack of any references to such libraries in all subsequent writings, both previous to and in the centuries following the Arab conquest, can only be interpreted as mute testimony to their disappearance. To keep that many bathhouse furnaces going for that length of time, a library of at least 14 million books would have been required.

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